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The Underground City (RP Thread) NOT TAKING ANYMORE PEOPLE


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OoC: Ok, I will start the rp. If you want to join, TOO LATE!


IC: The newly hired explorers are led from a newly revived military post to a desolate wasteland, where a military jeep was waiting. There the explorers traveled across the barren landscape until a large cave like structure appeared in the distance.






He got into the jeep. I wonder why we are being escorted by soldiers? thought Talon. Then he saw the large cave structure. This ought to be interesting...


OoC: Ok rp in the same time period as I did, DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT go farther and make up something. I'm the host, so I make the plot and settings. Consider this a warm up for your RP muscles. Again, DO NOT GO FARTHER THAN I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dr. Jackson


Dr. Jackson was exited for the expidition he had colected tons of artifacts from many worlds he got up made his way into the base and went into the jeep they drove him into the cave and he was wondering where the others were the guard told him there would be others but no one was there he contunued any way he went walking down the cavern he had been walking now for 5 mins when he steped he heard somthing strange like a tile or somthing then he saw it was a trap he ducked and arrows came from both sides.

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OoC: YOU GUYS ARE GOING AHEAD OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID I SAY IN FULL CAPS!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!? Cap, there isn't traps yet. Its just the damn entrance. EVERYONE, I SAID VERY CLEARLY THAT THE SCENARIOS ARE MADE BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, I'm finished my rant. PLZ DONT GO AHEAD. If you didn't, this is just a warning.


IC: The military grunts led the team into the cave. As they walked into the cave, sounds of excavating resonated from the depths. A bit of walking in darkness, then the cave opened up to a gigantic cavern with buildings everywhere. One of the grunts spoke up and said, "Wel come to the underground city".

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OoC: Unknown, if your gonna complain about everybody going ahead of you, then be more active on the Forum.



Rokujo sighed. He took off his backpack, and sat on a rock. "So, what now? And girl, there is more to the city than jewels. Got it?" Rokujo took out his iPod, and listened to In Joy and Sorrow.

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Talon saw the city. He silently observed the city with a pair of binoculars. Due to his assassin nature, he automatically searched out the guards.


Then a geeky looking archeologist came out and said "Ooh! The adventurers are here!". He was then pushed aside by a massive fortress of a man in a black suit. The man said, "I'm Hudson Masters, founder of the Master Corps. We have no time to waste. Follow me."


OoC: Try not to go too far ahead. If you do, you pass old stone houses that are cut from the rock. There isn't that many jewels though. There will be a massive gate at the end. If you want to go a bit ahead, at least stick to my settings. And BTW, this place is safe, so no making up dangers.

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