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Dark Secrets: The Unknown [Prologue] Special Thanks to StevenBray


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I would like to thank StevenBray who I consider a Co-Creator of Dark Secrets, adding so much depth and detail to the story. He will be doing the Prologue and chapter one of the story with me working on chapter two. This story is based of the Role Play I started just a few weeks age, Dark Secrets. You may apply to have a character of your creation put into the story if desired.




Prologue: The Darkness – Their conception is not known to anyone anymore but it is highly believed that they were first formed out of the Post-Crusades chaos formed by the disbanding of the Knights Templar. The stories and rumours go that those few of the Templar who waned from the path were killed quickly and quietly, leaving no trace of them and leaving their families with nothing left of their loved ones. And those who still believe in their cause decided to however, to abandon the path of God and rebirth themselves as the powerful, satanically evil yet highly influential and manipulative fascist dictatorship they are today. This influence they possessed allowed them to shape the course of human history from the sidelines; they had their hands in almost every fascist group in history, ranging from Mussolini to Hitler to even possibly the Ku Klux Klan. However as all of the ideals of those they sided with blew up and collapsed under the pressures of war and hypocrisy or just faded to the background, they have decided to step out of the shadows and control the world and unify it under their banner through loyalty, fear or if necessary slavery rather than under the banner of another group, while they pull the strings from the background. They were able to do this so successfully because while they were pulling the strings of other fascist groups they were also amassing followers to their cause as well, with the intention of overthrowing any government body that may have succeeded in conquering the world. Even though no fascist group managed this feat, they had still amassed a vast army and acquired many technologies to strike and take any enemy nation.


So they chose a date, December 25th 2002, to begin their assault; this assault began by crippling the Communist country of Russia and quickly spread their forces out to the rest of Europe, unhindered by any military force due to the attack being on Christmas Day when almost everyone was off-guard. As they advanced through Eastern Europe, they recruited more soldiers for their cause to bolster their defences in some areas while re-enforcing their numbers to continue their conquest. After waiting no longer than a month to regroup the Dark Agents once again continued their march this time taking Asia and Western Europe, stopping their march again at the Japan and the British Isles respectively. So now within 1.5 years of the surprise attack beginning, due to a combination of Splinter Cells, superior numbers, superior technology and expert planning, the Darkness had managed to ensnare about 71.6% of the land on the planet under their banner (or 28.4% left unconquered), leaving only the American Isles (North America, Central America and South America) left standing between the Darkness and world conquest and leaving it as the only remnants of the free world left standing. After 2 or 3 months of preparation thereafter they began and launched the most epically large and terrifying Armada, consisting of planes, boats and submarines across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans sending ships – similar to those used for the Normandy Landings and Operation Overload during World War II - to the Eastern and Western seaboards to invade and conquer the American Isles, and thus uniting the world – for the first time in human history – under one unified banner.


The day, August 25th 2003, the thick fog day was the day the main Darkness forces landed on both (East and West) shores of the American Isles, ranging from the frozen shores of Canada, to the warm and sweaty shores of Chile and Brazil and everywhere in between, striking the American lines hard and fast not caring how many they lose. Regardless of the number of Dark Agents killed by the valiant and stalwart soldiers however as if from the shadows themselves, more and more and more soldiers from boats and plains continued to emerge from the fog and rampaged over the beaches, hills and fields killing all who refused to run. Quickly the Darkness forced the lines back until the only things they could defend were the cities, but as if tirelessly the Darkness continued to drive forward, capturing one city after another as their army grows and expands across the lands. Mexico fell by August 27th, and then South America and Canada by September 5th and by September 12th, the only cities left standing were Seattle, New York City and San Jose. With hope fading in the hearts of soldiers and civilians alike the Darkness took this time to slow down and relax before the last great push against the remaining 3 cities and finally by the end of September 14th 2003, the world had finally be united under one banner... united under the banner of Darkness. It has been 3 years since the Darkness fully took control of the world and now another organization has risen up to challenge the almighty power of the Darkness and bring back peace and democracy back to the world... that organization is known only as the Unknown.


The Unknown – A dangerous, organized and very mysterious underground movement formed by like minded people with the express purpose being to eradicate the Darkness and bring back the freedoms and rights of Humankind that they were once privileged to, that was now suppressed by the Darkness now. They (unlike the other pockets of resistance that have risen up and will eventually rise up against the Darkness) are highly capable and are somehow in access of technologies unavailable to the public; whether they were stolen or built from scratch is unknown at this point, all that is known is that they have access to these technologies and are very well trained and prepared to use them to fight back against the Darkness. However in the 5 years they have been known to be in existence they haven’t done anything of great significance to damage the Darkness’ unified hold on the world but for all their small jobs and killing Darkness grunts, they have become something the Darkness should keep an eye on. There are Unknown undergrounds everywhere in the world, yet most of the cells are so unknown and so small they can’t realistically be preserved as a threat to the massive Darkness army, however if this small trickle is left to grow for too long... it could spring into a large flood... all that is needed is time...


-Written by StevenBray

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