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Card Contest {{Done}}


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Use any number of the following pics to make 1 Monster, 1 Magic and 1 Trap card (3 in total). You can make as many cards as you like. Wording on the cards must be worded as by normal Yu-Gi-Oh! standard

Note: I will not comment about how good anyone's cards are until the contest results are revealed.



1st - 2 reps and 50 points

2nd - 1 rep and 50 points

3rd - 50 points



24th August 2007 - 1 Week



2006354954241217780_th.jpg 2006347821639958549_th.jpg 2006305809291663262_th.jpg 2006328391879105652_th.jpg 2006306319335869334_th.jpg 2006326113939960780_th.jpg

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