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Pokemon School: Recaptured Youth


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1st i love pokemon and yugioh

i have a fan fic coming out with my co-worker terriq



James Malloy was never what you would call a normal kind of guy. He was the kind of guy that refused to give up on his childhood. While his friends were playing sports he was collecting trading cards. Instead of getting dates he spent his time on his gameboy. Now in his mid twenties, still sat in his Moms living room watching Saturday morning cartoons in his pajama's it was only just starting to dawn on him that he might have to grow up someday.


It wasn't that he was immature, infact he was a quite intelligent and sociable guy its just that he really didn't want to have to become a grown up. Then one day he was made an offer.


How or why, doesn't really matter but essentially James was given his hearts desire. Whatever he dreamed he could have and on that Saturday morning, over a bowl of Coco-pops the one thing he could think of was to go back to when he was 10. Start his childhood again at an age where he could enjoy it, the start of his independence. But this time things would be different, more interesting. And as he sat staring at the cartoon on the screen before him he decided that this time around he would spend his childhood in the world of Pokemon.


Unfortunately James wasn't a selfish kind of guy and wanted to share this wonderful event with his best school friends. The problem was these people didn't actually know that they were James friends as they hadn't seen him since graduation. Many of them hardly knew him at all but had perhaps once been nice to him which immediately classified them as friends and he was sure they would all appreciate such a great opportunity.


Now as each of these friends wake up they find themselves feeling strange with the world around them altered, rewritten by the fantasies of a child-like mind.




Just a few things before we start. Your characters should all be roughly early to mid twenties and think in such a manner however you now wake to find yourself back as you were at roughly 10 (starting pokemon trainer age etc) thinking of Pokemon exactly as you do now. As a computer game and a cartoon. The more skeptical of your surroundings the better to be honest. Its just as if you were taken from your life right now and dumped in that world with Pokemon running around etc.

I am going to be strict however. The age was picked due to the anime reference but i expect people to be sensible. No Adult themes, no Lolification and no 'self exploration' outside the bare nessecary please. We all know Ash is at the most 15 by now but we dont mind the fact he was allowed to go off travelling the world on his own etc.

The school part of this will be explained in my first post (it will be the major setting)


None will be playing James Malloy since its more about everyone elses reaction and noo ne knows how it has happened.






Age (real age, everyone is 10 now)

Looks (then and now)



Pokemon (Just 1 for now. Any of the Starters though try not to pick multiple)

(p.s Charmander is taken )



My Form...

Name: Gavin Wynder

Age 23


23: Tall with short brown hair, blue eyes. Unfit but not dangerously so. Dressed mostly in suits.

10: Still tall for his age but slim and active like most boys his age. Wears his hair in a simple messy style. Wears Blue cut off jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

Background: A very studious kind of person. Spent most of his adolesence studying at College. Knew James back in Primary School but has long since forgotten him. Was due to start his new high paid city job tomorrow.

Personality: Serious when needed but overall a relaxed kinda person. Is willing to give anything a chance but works hard when he has a goal set. Slow to trust but loyal to those he considers friends.

Pokemon: Charmander

Other: Meh.



and begin.......





I woke groggily, as i did every morning, wishing that it wasnt my alarm going off and that i had just a few more hours to sleep. Why did they always have to make alarm clocks so annoying. The droning buzzing noise was getting on my nerves already and although i understood why a harsh sound is better for waking people it never failed to put me in a bad mood.

I rolled over to turn it off and i knew something felt strange. Something wasnt quite right with my body. I reached up, feeling my shoulder rotate to bring my arm down to reach for the clock. Something fell and landed like a dead weight on my face. I bolted upright thinking something had toppled off my shelf untill i realized it was my own hand that had struck me. The numbness of sleeping on it awkwardly began to wear off, replaced by an agonizing cramp pain as the circulation finally returned to it.

I shouted out as i finally managed to turn off the alarm and got a shooting pain for my troubles, trying to shake the limb back to life.


"Everything ok?" i heard a voice from outside the room and it took a moment of thought to recognize it as my Mom's. She must have come over and let herself in. She always used to worry whenever it was my first day of anything. Jobs, back in School, even Soccer practice she had layed out my kit the night before and precariousnesses polished my boots for me. With me starting this new City job today it was little wonder she was here.

"Another Dead-arm morning?" she called through the door. Id had a habit of sleeping awkwardly on my arms for years though i hadnt heard that phrase since id moved out.


"Yeah, no worries, im starting to get the feeling back now" I coughed a little, my voice felt fine but didnt quite sound right in my own head. I shrugged, deciding to ignore the thought unless it continued.

I was about to drag myself out of bed when my door opened and in walked Mom. There was something different about her today. It had only been a few days since id seen her but she seemed much more youthful than usual. She had so much energy dashing from my wardrobe to pick out some clothes to opening my curtains, all the time telling me to get up and get ready or id be late for the bus.


I was beginning to think she may have lost it. I drove now, i didnt need the bus but figured she was just making a little 'mom joke' about my first day at work. It wasnt till i jumped out of bed i realized something was wrong. For a start it seemed a long way down. Much further than usual and everything in the room looked bigger. That made me notice the second problem. My room, wasnt my room. It used to be my room but it wasnt anymore, it hadnt been since id moved out. I dont know how but i was back at my Moms house. How the hell had i gotten here?

It was then i noticed the third problem and started to worry. Mom was huge! I was taller than her but here she was standing in front of me and i only just passed the level of her hips.

Her large hands grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me round and pointed me in the direction of the bathroom. "Go get ready" she said a little more firmly "youll be late".


the next 30 minutes had been a whirlwind. In the bathroom i had stood infront of the mirror, looking at a person i hadnt seen in almost 14 years. Me, as a 10 year old. I knew i was 10 because of the Birthday cards on the dresser. Going by the date it was roughly a week after. I wasnt really given time to think any further as once i was washed and dressed I was called downstairs to breakfast and there, sitting at the table was something i never expected to see.

Now this whole morning had been pretty high on my 'unexpected list' but of all the things i could think of this was the last one. Perched on the edge of the table was a Pokemon. A Nidoran to be exact, well a male Nidoran to be completely exact. I remember using one back when i used to play Red but i never expected to see one for real.

My mouth fell open for a second, only to be filled with a slice of toast and a Backpack thrust into my hands.


Something started to dawn on me. 10 Years old. Pokemon are presumably real judging by the one sat infront of me and my mom is packing me off with a ready made backpack. Something snapped and i started to panic. "Im only 10, i dont know what im doin, i cant go on an adventure!" i blurted in my new childish voice.

"Of course not" Mom smiled warmly. "They stopped letting kids travel alone at 10 years ago. Your going to Pokemon School for a year first, dont you remember"

"Pokemon School? Ive never heard of it" i tried to say querying. Unless it was never in Red, or on the Anime though there was one episode based around a prep school....


What actually came out of my mouth was "Pokemon Schoooooooooo......" I was marched out the front door, upto a bus that was waiting patiently. Once on board i looked around to see a number of excited kids chattering about their future at pokemon school, a couple of them were looking a little nervous and there were even one or two that looked like they didnt know what the hell they were doing. I figured i would probably look like one of those myself. I sat just inside to see Mom waving and smiling as the bus pulled away. Trying to calm down and get my head straight i looked through the bag, as soon as i opened it the first thing that caught my eye was a small red and white ball.

I took it from the bag, knowing full well what it was supposed to be and pressed the small button at the front. It instantly swelled in size.

"I must still be asleep cos this is the weirdest dream ive ever had"

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