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DG's Budget Monarchs :: Built to a Particular Meta

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7 tribute monsters

3 x Raiza the Storm Monarch

3 x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 x Jinzo


14 non-tribute monsters

3 x Gravekeeper's Spy

1 x Gravekeeper's Guard

1 x Treeborn Frog

2 x Apprentice Magician

2 x Crystal Seer/Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive/Old Vindictive Magician

1 x Morphing Jar

1 x Sangan

1 x Spirit Reaper

2 x Legendary Jujitsu Master


12 spells

3 x Brain Control

1 x Confiscation

1 x Scapegoat

1 x Nobleman of Crossout

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Pot of Avarice

2 x Enemy Controller

1 x Book of Moon


7 traps

2 x Spell Shield Type-8

1 x Mirror Force

1 x Torrential Tribute

1 x Ring of Destruction

2 x Widespread Ruin


I haven't even tried this deck yet, and besides Mirror Force (Widespread IRL) I'm trying to stay to a budget on this one. The Apprentice engine is something I've been trying as a sort of counter to my friends, who have taken to a Macromonarch build I showed them before and now usually run that, so most of my decks are built around Apprentice instead of Tomato/Rat/other grave-based engines. Sangan's the first thing to hit the side when I play against that deck (they do switch decks a lot). Other than that it's a slow-ish Monarch deck, designed not to take explosive one turns but instead to prevent the opponent doing it, and instead slowly and surely securing card advantage and big plays with Brain Control/Raiza or slow work with Thestalos. Spell Shield Type-8's something I've tested (previously) to great effect, so I'm maining one and wondering if I should use more/none. Once again, I have never used this deck and I need to check it out before I make any big changes.


Oh, the side deck:



3 x Royal Decree

3 x Solemn Judgment

3 x Banisher of the Radiance

3 x Twister

3 x Pulling the Rug


Rates/Fixes, and please bear in mind I am trying to stick to a budget on this deck.

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SST8 I've tried as well as Drain, but Spell-Shield I prefer as a) it is guarenteed negation (nobody I know runs any kind of Counter Traps) and I really just like that, as I don't like when Limiter Removal hits the table, I flip Drain and it doesn't matter as they discard a dead spell card. Anyway everyone around here's just keyed into how great Brain Control is over Fissures/Hammer Shots/Smashing Ground, so that's another reason.


Also, again, this deck is built towards a particular metagame: I know on YVD it would probably not work but around here it just does fine because it's built to combat the decks we have here, which is really the definition of metagaming...

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