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d.d Hand Control


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18| Monsters


3| Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi

1| Yamata Dragon

3| Kuraz the Light Monarch


3| D.D Scout Plane

3| D.D Survivor

2| Krebons

1| Mind Master

2| Banisher of the Radiance or don


18| Spells


1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

3| Dimensional Fissure

2| Terraforming

3| Mausoleum of the Emperor

2| Reinforcement of the Army

3| Allure Of Darkness

2| Emergency Teleport

1| D.D.R


7| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

3| Macro Cosmos

3| Solemn Judgment


15| Extra Deck


3| Stardust Dragon

3| Goyo Guardian

3| Red Dragon Archfiend

3| Thought Ruler Archfiend ( important card )

2| Magical Android

1| Avenging Knight Parshath

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