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hey everyone this is my first thread on this file so i hope u like it....also u can probably tell i love dbz, but there is a thing called dragonball af that me and some friends are working on making it become real...i know almost all of u are going to say YOUR'E CARDS ARE TOO OVERPOWERED!

but come on guys...theyr'e SUPER SAIYANS lol...say what u want though i don't care lol...anyway i hope u like them and i was pushed on for 2x posting and putting up attachments instead of your so called perfect way but you'll all have to get over that because i don't change my ways...i'll also not be making any more threads just update this one a lot



DBZGTAF RULES :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dpost_151940_1222190137_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190160_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190170_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190234_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190250_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190263_thumb.attachpost_151940_1222190279_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779856_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779892_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779903_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779913_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779924_thumb.attachpost_151940_1221779934_thumb.attachpost_151940_1224191978_thumb.attach

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OK don't blame me if some mod locks this thread

9 - IMG Codes attachments will not be allowed. It is annoying for those who rate your cards' date=' and it is time consuming for more then 5 cards. You may get the IMG code of your cards, by simply clicking on the picture of the card, while you are using the Card Maker, and copying and pasting the code that will appear beneeth your card.


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  • 4 weeks later...

No attatchments. Here's the lowdown on how to post your cards, so they're not ~ATTATCHMENTS~.

1. Make a card.

2. Click on the card, so a little bar appears below it.

3. Right-Click the text in the bar, and select copy.

4. Open another window.

5. Go to the website, find your desired thread, and select new topic.

6. Paste the card's IMG code into the text box.

7. Open the other window and repeat steps 2-6, until your desired amount of cards are posted.

8. Check for spelling errors in your side notes, etc.

9. Click 'Post Topic'

10. You've posted your topic!

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