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Energy Giver

Leon Oar

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Don't use thumbnails on YCM.


Pic: 4/10 (Lol wut? :P)

Effect: 0/10 (Too overpowered. 5,000 DEF is too high!!!)

OCG: 0.5/10 (They're not called characters, they're called MONSTERS. At least you have good grammar...also, there are no commas in numbers.)

Other: 0/10 (Quick-Play Makes it even more broken.)

Overall: 1.125/10 (Often, anything higher than 1000 ATK/DEF added to an effect is broken.)


And a response to the PM...(He just placed me on his ignore list)


You don't have to go all angry because I made a mistake/tried to correct you. Can't you take criticism?


And besides, you don't have to use thumbnails. In fact, you can post a card without one. Are you addicted to thumbnails?

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