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Ohnoes, it runs Arms Aid


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Monsters, Level 5 or higher: 1

1x Cyber Dragon


Monsters, Level 4 or lower: 13

3x Armageddon Knight

1x Trooper

3x D-Grepher

3x Plaguespreader Zombie

3x Quillbolt Hedgehog


Spells: 12

3x Allure

2x Burial from D.D

2x CoSR

2x Foolish

1x Future

1x MR

1x MST


Traps: 14

1x MF

3x Non Aggression Area

3x Imperial Iron Wall

3x Roar

1x TT


Extra Deck: 10

3x Goyo

3x Stardust

3x Arms Aid

1x CFD


I do have a feeling I run too many traps.

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