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Kentucky Fried Brains (Update on zombies)

Tekken Ham

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Fix for a fix.



2x Il Blud

3x Malevolent Mech-Goku En


3x ZMaster

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Quillbolt

3x Plaguespreader

1x Breaker

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Sangan



3x ZWorld

1x Terraforming

3x Book of Life

2x CoSR

1x Monster Reborn

1x MST

2x Foolish



1x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Solemn

2x Trap of the Imperial Tomb

1x Torrential

1x DDV



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Mezukis are unneeded because, well, they are just unneeded. Sure they help alot, but in terms of monsters, most of the necessary monsters are taken care of. Quillbolt>Mezuki when it comes to synchro. Simply because it dodges Wall (which I might run more of) and is faster than Mezuki.


Umbra is right, Quillbolt is awesome, just think about it, a free SS when I have a tuner up? And with trip Plaguespreader, it's gonna come out, alot.


Card Trooper is unneeded because I don't need the mill or the 400 beatstick left after. It's even crappier than Lyla, who will at least keep me from losing alot of Life Points after she mills.


Goku En is just plain awesome because I'm always gonna have a Zombie on the field and a 2400 beatstick without losing a lot of hand/field advantage is great because of the reason Andal was great. What can GB's Normal Summon over Goku En? NOTHING!


I'm contemplating removing DDV because of the lack of targets, but it raeps GB's and Tele-DaD so well. I might run at least 1 Plague Wolf for it.


Terraforming searches Zombie World so it's really helpful as ZWorld keeps my main destruction card, Trap of the Imperial Tomb (Tomb from now on), working.


Tomb is my main destruction, with ZMaster at 3, Il Blud at 2 and Doomkaiser Dragons, this card is gonna be used quickly.


I understand Mezukis but I don't have them, need them, want them, or can find trades for them. And just like Book of Life, it's stopped by Wall, and Book>Mezuki so Book stays.


Goblin Zombies is out of my price range.


Card Trooper sucks. ALOT.


Spirit Reaper is GB raep.

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