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When Frunk...


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When Frunk banned the worst member of all YCM history (I'm sure their was SOMEBODY like that....) the angels sang.

When Frunk bans a member, the member is brought to Frunk's throne, and Frunk turns his thumb down.

When Frunk increases a members warning level, he wags his finger at them, and fissures open.

When Frunk posts, he gets 20 reps, 10000 points, and 5 more stars, even if they are maxed out. Even if he just sayed "Hello! What have I missed?"

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  • 3 months later...

When the button on Frunk's avi is pressed, someone is literally banned.

If Frunk's avi didn't exist, there'd be over 2 billion more people here.


Have any Chuck Norris jokes been converted to Frunk jokes? If not:

Frunk can melt an ant with a magnifying glass. At night.


Frunk does not sleep...he waits.


Frunk is the only person who can perma-ban you twice.


Frunk once banned Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris then created noobs.


Chuck Norris fought Frunk. End of story.


Anyone who has all the letters, "F", "R", "U", "N", "K", in their username is instantly a Mod.


Frunk sued Myspace for stealing the name of everything around him.

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