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The Four Brawl Swordsmen

Diableos Auros

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[align=center]Not only are these my favourite characters in Brawl, but I also find using characters that have something to extend their reach fun to use.


NOTE: I know Pit and Toon Link both have swords and can be classed as swordsmen, but I already have one Link, and I don't exactly like Pit.










If this card successfully destroys an opponents monster by battle, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on your opponents side of the field.










Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 for every Warrior-Type monster on your side of field.










Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 card on your opponents side of the field.




Meta Knight:






If this card is targeted by the effect of an opponents effect monster, negate the effect and destroy the monster.




Please comment and rate them.


~Diableos D. Auros[/align]

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Not bad at all' date=' some of the grammer is of, but apart from that; 7/10. You should make the effects ralated to some of the characters, like i've done for my Brawl cards.



Uhmm... I'm just treating these as real cards. I only made these so I didn't get bored of making my new set, and what's wrong with the grammar?


Also, it's g-r-a-m-m-A-r.

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The only grammar error I see is that you forgot the apostrophe everytime you wrote opponent's. 8/10


Yeah' date=' I keep forgetting those.


Nice job turning Link's arsenal of long-range weapons into an effect.




Lol, they are for real...


But, I wasn't actually thinking of his long-range weapons at the time.



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Good cards! 8.5/10. If you are going for people with swords' date=' you should include Ganondorf doing his taunt where he shines his sword.



Yes, but he doesn't use it for attacks in Brawl so...


maybe so, but still you should try it. Also, when are you going to make more?


What do you mean, "when am I going to make more?"?

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Good cards! 8.5/10. If you are going for people with swords' date=' you should include Ganondorf doing his taunt where he shines his sword.



Yes, but he doesn't use it for attacks in Brawl so...


maybe so, but still you should try it. Also, when are you going to make more?


What do you mean, "when am I going to make more?"?


Wait, so you mean that these cards are one off's? thats a shame, because these looked really good.

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Marth & Ike are my 2 best in the game' date=' then Falco...


Some OCG errors, but you forgot Toon Link & Pit...


Ike is overpowered, up 3300 ATK?



Oh for god sake, I said I DON'T WANT THEM IN!


Good cards! 8.5/10. If you are going for people with swords' date=' you should include Ganondorf doing his taunt where he shines his sword.



Yes, but he doesn't use it for attacks in Brawl so...


maybe so, but still you should try it. Also, when are you going to make more?


What do you mean, "when am I going to make more?"?


Wait, so you mean that these cards are one off's? thats a shame, because these looked really good.


Hmm... I'm, not sure...


every = each



Not too bad' date=' though the idea is starting to get overdone.




Meh, I know. I was just bored. I didn't really think too much about the OCG though.

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