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Should Booster Zone Be Stickied?  

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  1. 1. Should Booster Zone Be Stickied?

    • Yes. I found this shop very satisfactory.
    • No. This shop was not satisfactory.

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His renders are okay. He does better with simple and basic rendering' date='

but when it comes to the more complex rendering, he sucks.



The positioning of the text doesn't fit the card. Having one attack, makes it look inconsistent. Your looking for workers with good quality, he doesn't show it in his pokemon cards.



Like he said, he just playing out sucks. it looks like

he just added a render to a BG and put bad text on it.



The text he uses sucks. Also, the bright white outline around the Yugioh Logo is well, bad. maybe its just me, but the outline on the render hurts my eyes @_@


If anything, work on your quality, because it's Top Quality that we're looking for =P



Who do you refer to?


A renderer' date=' can I? So, an employee. Here goes my examples.

[/quote']Your renders are pretty good. I will not reject you.


Yay, me! I mean, us! Thanks, tetraslash!


My name's Strawberry-hime.


Sorry, Strawberry-hime. Why don't you change your username?

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Wait' date=' do I have the job?



Right after you ocg fix this:


This card cannot be summon except from hand when you have 3 monsters to sacrafice. when this card summon, you can search your deck for 10 cards, and take them out of the game. the attack of this monster is the level of the ten cards out of the game by 100. when this card is attacks opponent monster within the battle, remove it from the game and destroy all magic and speel cards on your opponent's place.


Heheh 8)

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Wait' date=' do I have the job?



Right after you ocg fix this:


This card cannot be summon except from hand when you have 3 monsters to sacrafice. when this card summon, you can search your deck for 10 cards, and take them out of the game. the attack of this monster is the level of the ten cards out of the game by 100. when this card is attacks opponent monster within the battle, remove it from the game and destroy all magic and speel cards on your opponent's place.


Heheh 8)


Ok, here we go, this is tough:


This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Advance Summoned from your hand by Releasing 3 monsters you control. When this card is Summoned, search your Deck for 10 cards and remove them from play. The ATK of this card equals the combined Levels of all cards removed from play x100. When this card attacks, remove it from and destroy all Spell Cards your oppenent controls.


Thats it, I think. Best I can do. . .


bolded is cleaned up OCG, I know its not perfect but, hey, nothings perfect.


I already applied for the OCG job.

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Well' date=' I'll fix it up the best I can, nothings perfect in this world. . . *Mumbles to himself about suicide and if he should clean it up. Decides yes.*



Not expecting perfection. Expecting a very simple reply.


Hint: If you were very good at OCG, you'd notice a certain type of error before even reading the second sentence. If you can figure this out, you have passed, and I will recommend you.


You don't have to understand the hint, it only comes to certain people. Go ahead and fix it up normally if you wish.


I'll apply as a Seeker dude' date=' I look forward to your reply


achivments: Defeated OMGAKITTY 1 on 1, Created the then-popular Mercenary Subtype, if this is not enough, I have nothign I can realy offer you.



Do you have any achievements that are actually useful?

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The second I read that terrible request (no offence Kiwi-kun ^^"), I saw the error before even seeing the next line. That's how good I am. I'm not expecting you to see it either, so just try your best. It's practise ^^!


Don't actually FIX the OCG Error, but instead, think in terms of logical and grammatical sense. That might help.

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Hey, I think I might see it in grammatical terms. I even made a rhyme before I saw your post, so now, I think before I say anything, remember not to boast.



Its odd, I don't see a thing.

I read it over and over, but nothing went *Ping*.


I read it grammatically, and OCGaly.

I see nothing wrong, you see.

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Singing a weirdly rhythmic song and trying to appeal to me doesn't really help >.>...


Here.. How about this... Solve this one, it's slightly easier than Kiwi-kun's:


This card can be fusion summon from extra deck without fusion monsters. This counts as a special summon. If so, this card is remove from play at the end of opponent turn. While this card is on the field, no spells or traps can be used. The controller of this card pays 500 LP each turn. It he cannot, this card is returned to the extra deck and cannot be special summoned anymore.


And yes, Jovi, you can try too.

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Here I go:


This card can be Fusion Summoned from your Extra Deck without Fusion material monsters. It is treated as a Special Summon. If this card is Special Summoned this way, remove it from play during your opponents End Phase. While this card is face- up on the field, Spell and Trap Cards cannot be activated. The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases. If they don't, send this card to the Extra Deck. (Last Peice is hard. I have to think a bit. . .)

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Pretty good. How much I'd love to tell you to fix it up some more, but then I'd just be plain greedy. Feel free to change it on your own will though. You have until probably tomorrow, and then I'll talk to Kiwi-kun.


If you guys were wondering, here was the proper way to fix Kiwi-kun's somewhat difficult problem:


What I meant by error in the first sentence, was that there were double meanings. You need to choose between either of them. Therefore, you can either write it like this:


This card can only be Summoned or Set from your hand by Tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field.


Or, because Kiwi-kun wasn't clear enough, it could have been like this:


This card can only be Summoned or Set from your hand when you have exactly 3 monsters on your side of the field.


Then the rest would go like this, with lots of undecided choices of wording, because it was very unclear:


When this card is Summoned, you can remove from play 10 cards from your Deck. The ATK of this monster is equal to the combined Levels of the monsters removed from play by this card's effect x 100. [When this monster attacks/When this monster is attacked], remove from play your opponent's monster [before/after] [the Damage Step/Damage Calculation] and destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent's side of the field.


Hope you guys learned something.

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