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Legend Zero

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DIGIMON ALLIANCE MEMBERS ONLY!!!!!![/align][align=center](click banner if you want to join)

DIGIMON ALLIANCE MEMBERS ONLY!!!!!![/align][align=center]


The 10 legendary warriors have mysteriously been converted to darkness. It is up to the new DigiDestined to stop the warriors and find out why they changed. As the new digidestined empower the spirits of the Gods.




Age: (10-18 years)



Digimon Spirit:

Digimon Appr:

Digimon Attacks:

(you can make your own digimon)




[spoiler=My character]

Name: Jacob

Age: 12

Appr: 70e374.png

Bio: Very cool and calm kid, who usually charges in the fight first. He comes up with great stratigies but is to overconfident to follow them.

Digimon Spirit: Apollomon

Beast Spirit: SolLeomon

Digimon Appr: Apollomon.jpg

Beast Spirit: 180px-KaiserLeomon.jpg

[spoiler=Digimon Attacks]

1. Sol Blaster: Releases "sun balls" which are even hotter than the fireball on his back.

2. Phoebos Blow: Concentrates his power to launch a deadly punch.

3. Arrow of Apollo: Releases fiery arrows continuously from the two jewels on his hands.


1. Flame Tackle: Charges enemy while on fire.

2. Inferno Incinerator: Fires concetrated balls of extreme fire.




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I'm going to take Neptunemon


Name: Tiaara Nakamura

Age: 12

Appr: anime_kid.jpg

Bio: Tiaara lived in a bad neighbourhood. He deperalty seeks advemture.

Digimon Spirit: Neptunemon

Digimon Appr: Neptunmon.jpg

Digimon Attacks:

-Vortex Penetrate: Pierces a foe with Spear (King's Bite)

-Wave of Depth: Creates a huge Tsunami that engulfs everything

-Terrible Bite: Bites a foe with King's Bite




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Name: Hyoma Zeros

Age: 16

Appr: Guy1.jpg

Bio: He is a strategic master and always takes advantage of his situation. He is not at all overconfident in fact never confident or unconfident. He is a carefree guy though win someone tries to hurt or insult a friend his personality completely changes but his strategies are just as ingenious.

Digimon Spirit: Shine Greymon

Digimon Appr: ShineGreymon.jpg

Digimon Attacks:

Shine Missle- Fires a bunch of small yet powerful missles at the enemy.

Shine Hammer- A pillar of light descends from above and hits the enemy.

Shine Blast- Fires a blast of pure light to damage the enemy.

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Name: Ivan

Age: 17

App: vee3reqga5.png

Bio: When he was a kid he found something strange. (A digimon) He took him home and then digivoled to Poseidonmon. Ever since then Ivan always thought he was the best.

Personality: Kocky but does what needs to be done.

Digimon App: 3_095.jpg

Digimon Attacks: Serpent's Strike, Spear Strike, Gate to Atlantis

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I said you could make your own. Veemon one problem you cant already have met your digimon.


I get it' date=' but seriously, a GOLD Neptunmon and the original in the same RP....


Wait' date=' even ShineGreymon and the gold Neptunmon?



What's wrong with the ShineGreymon.


I just thought that this was going to be about the Olympus Twelve.

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I said you could make your own. Veemon one problem you cant already have met your digimon.


I get it' date=' but seriously, a GOLD Neptunmon and the original in the same RP....


Wait' date=' even ShineGreymon and the gold Neptunmon?



What's wrong with the ShineGreymon.


I just thought that this was going to be about the Olympus Twelve.


Oh I haven't seen digimon data squad.

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Name: Jon

Age: 12




Bio:Jon lived a life in a foster home,seperated from his parents at the age of 3

Digimon Spirit:Duskmon/lowemon

[spoiler=Digimon Appr]



[spoiler=Digimon Attacks]Deadly Gaze Projects energy beams from his hands and the assorted eyeball-like protrusions over his body.

Lunar Plasma He raises and lowers his swords forming a red moon and then rushes at his enemy, slicing them.


Shadow Meteor Löwemon gathers energy in the jaws of the lion head on his chest and releases a powerful burst of dark energy.

Shadow Lance Löwemon raises his spear, spinning it and gathering momentum and then dashes forward, thrusting his spear forward.


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Age: 12

Appr:is a kid with black hair who wears a jacket and jeans

Bio:this is a kid who love's his digimon and would give his life to save it

Digimon Spirit:denomicmon mega

Digimon Appr:is like blackwar greymon but no head arumor and is green and black

Digimon Attacks:mega:terra slash,-peper breath,-sword blast,champ:fire blast,giga destroy

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I said you could make your own. Veemon one problem you cant already have met your digimon.


I get it' date=' but seriously, a GOLD Neptunmon and the original in the same RP....


Wait' date=' even ShineGreymon and the gold Neptunmon?



What's wrong with the ShineGreymon.


I just thought that this was going to be about the Olympus Twelve.


Oh I haven't seen digimon data squad.


Wait nobody wonders how I know they're from from data squad?

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