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Pokemon Legacies YCM Edition: Contest 3 (Even better prizes)(OPEN TO ALL)


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Make as many pokemon cards as you want but the max is 5.


Starts 9/16/08

Ends 9/23/08



1. X-L Yeahhhh!!!(8/10)

2. 001(Rating:6/10)

3. SeiyamaruSisco (6/10)

4. Legendmarker (7/10)

5. Hiya (Reserved)

6. BlackFang (8/10)

7. Pikachu (Reserved)

8. Kyroid (5/10)

9. Ascari (Reserved)

10. lightdiversion (reserved)

11. RAWmansonboy (2/10)

12. ghosts (5/10)

More than 12 may enter.



1st - 3 reps & 40 Poke'points & The One and Only "DOMINATOR RIBBON"

2nd - 2 reps & 20 Poke'points

3rd - 1 rep


Poke'Points are used in the club: Pokemon Legacies YCM Edition.


A "Dominator Ribbon" is a ribbon that will be given to the winner of this contest. This peticular ribbon can only be used once. And you will have to ask 001 to give you the prize or reward for that ribbon because I can't say what it is for.

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entry reserved.



While this card is on the feild all effect damage to the controller of this card is negated and this card gains ATK equal to the damage you would have took. If this card is in defense position, this card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take damage if a monster attacks this card even in defense position.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 "Shaymin" on your side of the feild. Any time you take damage while this card is on the feild this card gains ATK equal to the amount you took. During the Battle Phase, if a Spell or Trap card activates, you can lower this cards ATK by 400 and discard 1 card from your hand to negate that cards activation and destroy it.

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I guess I'll enter.


[spoiler=Mewtwo's effect]1 tuner+2 or more non tuners

Once per turn special summon the equil amount of clone tokens(type, attribute, ATK, and DEF being the same as the monster on your opponent's side of the field.) as monster on your opponent's side of the field, the "Clone Tokens" must be summoned in attack position. The "Clone Tokens" can not be used as a tribute for a tribute summon(or set).


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Here are my entries:







Effect: When this card is successfully Normal Summoned to the field, decrease you Opponent's Life Points equal to the number of monsters on their side of the field x400. When this card is sent to the Graveyard (as a result of battle) you may discard 1 card in you hand to draw 1 card from your deck.




Effect: When this card is successfully Normal Summoned to the field (in Face-up Attack Position) decrease all of your opponent's monster's atk and def points by 300 on the turn this card was Summoned. When this card is sent to the Graveyard (as a result of battle) you may discard 1 card in you hand to draw 1 card from your deck.




Effect: When this card is successfully Normal Summoned to the field (in Face-up Attack Position), randomly pick 2 cards in your opponent's hand (if there is 1 or less cards in your opponent's hand, then this effect is cancelled). Your opponent must then put the cards at the bottom of their deck. Then you opponent must shuffle your deck and draw 1 card. When this card is sent to the Graveyard (as a result of battle) you may discard 1 card in you hand to draw 1 card from your deck.


DNA Inplant



Hope you like them!

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Entry Reserved

My entry:



Effect:Once per turn, you can send 1 monster from your hand to the graveyard and if the opponent has 1 monster in his hand whose ATK is equal or lower than the half of the ATK of the sent monster, destroy it.

And how can i not have Roar Of Time?


Effect:This card can only be equipped to any monster who has the name "Dialga" inside. When equipped, destroy all monsters on the field, both side(your side and the opponent's side) and each player takes half of the total ATK of the destroyed monsters.

Dialga FeMale Mode(i put this 1st cause of the saying,ladies first):


And finally,Dialga Male Mode:


Effect:This card can only be played by sending "Dialga-Deity Of Time" from your hand or deck to the Remove From play. When this card attacks, activate 1 of the following effects:

-If this card attacks a monster in ATK mode, increase this card's ATK by 200.

-If this card attacks a monster in DEF mode, destroy it automatically.

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Count me in.



[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 2 face-up WATER monsters on your side of the field from play. This Special Summon is treated as a Tribute Summon. This card's type is also treated as Aqua-type. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Aqua-type monsters are unaffected by the effects of Spell and Trap cards. When this card battles a Pyro-type monster, increase this card's ATK by 400 during the Damage Step. When this card battles a Thunder-type monster, decrease this card's ATK by 400 during the Damage Step.


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im in with my new key card




When this card is Tribute Summoned you may discard one monster card from you Hand and this card becomes that attribute, also you may use the correct effect.

Fire: You can attack directly with this card for this turn.

Water: You and your enemy may draw one card.

Light: You can tribute one monster you control to add one card from your Graveyard to your Hand.

Dark: You can attack twice in one turn with this card.

Wind: You can add one Spell or Trap card from you Deck or Graveyard to your Hand.


Any damage you do this turn is doubled.

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Edit here's my card





Moltres Effect:

once per turn by sending 1 card from your side of the field to graveyard activate one of the following effect based on card type you send to graveyard.

-Monster: increase this card ATK by 700 until end phase of the turn this effect is activated.

-Spell: Special summon 1 FIRE monster with ATK 1500 or less from your hand or your deck.

-Trap: Destroy 1 card on the field.


Zapdos Effect:

if this card is tribute summoned succesfully inflict 500 damage to your opponent life point. once per turn by tributing 1 THUNDER monster on your side of the field you can activate one of the following effect.

-lincrease this card ATK equal than half of ATK of the tributed monster until end phase of the turn.

-inflict damage to your opponent life point equal than half of ATK of the tributed monster. if you activate this effect this card cannot attack this turn.

-special summon 1 THUNDER monster which ATK is lower than ATK of the tributed monster.

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Make as many pokemon cards as you want but the max is 5.


Starts 9/16/08

Ends 9/23/08



1. X-L Yeahhhh!!!(8/10)

2. 001(Rating:6/10)

3. SeiyamaruSisco (6/10)

4. Legendmarker (7/10)

5. Hiya (Reserved)

6. BlackFang (8/10)

7. Pikachu (Reserved)

8. Kyroid (5/10)

9. Ascari (Reserved)

10. lightdiversion (reserved)

11. RAWmansonboy (2/10)

12. ghosts (5/10)

More than 12 may enter.



1st - 3 reps & 40 Poke'points & The One and Only "DOMINATOR RIBBON"

2nd - 2 reps & 20 Poke'points

3rd - 1 rep


Poke'Points are used in the club: Pokemon Legacies YCM Edition.


A "Dominator Ribbon" is a ribbon that will be given to the winner of this contest. This peticular ribbon can only be used once. And you will have to ask 001 to give you the prize or reward for that ribbon because I can't say what it is for.


If there are 2 people with 8/10(so far) does that mean there are 2 1st placers?If so, i count as 2nd rite?

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Gardevoir, The Emotional:


Card Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing one 'Kirlia' on your side of the field. Once per turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. Choose 1 card and depending of the type of card, do the following effect:

-Monster: Remove that card from play.

-Spell: Inflict 500 Life Points to your opponent.




Card Effect: This card can only be activated when one 'Gardevoir, The Emotional' is attacking one fo your opponent's monsters. When this card is activated, all Warrior and Beast-Warrior Type monsters on your opponent's side of the field must flip a coin during their next Battle Phase. If they flip tails, the attacking monster is then destroyed. When your opponent's next Battle Phase is over, destroy this card.

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Entry Reserved :D

EDIT: Here are my cards and i added a Support Card with it ^_^


[align=center]Raikou' date=' Lord of Thunder[/u']


This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. This card can only be Advanced Summoned by Releasing 1 Thunder-Type monster you control and removing 2 Thunder-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can Release 1 Level 4 or lower Thunder-Type monster you control to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard. The Special Summoned monster gains the effect of the Released monster. When this card is destroyed, discard 2 card and your opponent draws 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect:

Monster - Increase the ATK of all Thunder-Type monsters you control by 400 until the End Phase of your next turn.

Spell - All Thunder-Type monsters you control are unaffected by Spell Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

Trap - All Thunder-Type monsters you control you control is unaffected by Trap Cards until the End Phase of your next turn.

After activating the effect of this card, Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Thunder-Type from your hand.


Support Card, Spell Card:


[align=center]Raikou‘s Fury - Thunder Roar


This card can only be activated when a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card, negate it's effect and destroy the card. After negating an effect of a Spell or Trap Card, this card is treated as an Equip Spell Card and is equipped to a "Raikou, Lord of Thunder" you control. When the equipped monster is targeted by a Trap Card, negate it's effect and return it to it's owners hand. Everytime a Trap Card is returned to it's owners hand by the effect of this card, decrease the equipped monsters ATK by 200 and place 1 Thunder Roar Counter on this card. When this card has exactly 3 Thunder Roar Counters, destroy this card and all Thunder-Type monsters you control except "Raikou, Lord of Thunder", and Special Summon 1 "Baby Raikou Token" (Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 500) in Defense Position. The "Baby Raikou Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set). When the "Baby Raikou Token" is destroyed by battle, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent’s side of the field.


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Medium OCG was used

Good Luck to everyone in this contest

Hope Ya Like It

:D :) :LOL: :o :P :MRGREEN:

~Silent Hunter

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i enter. i hope that like this cards. good luck for all.


This monster gets the following effect(s) while battle with a monster(s) with the following Attribute:

-EARTH: Increase the ATK of this card by 500 during the Damage Step only.

-FIRE: If this card destroyed your opponent monster by battle, it can attack once again in a row.

-WIND: If this card destroyed your opponent monster by battle, remove the destroyed monster from play.

-WATER: If this card destroyed your opponent monster by battle, return the destroyed monster to the top of it owners Deck.

When this card is destroyed, remove it from the game.





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