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The Underground City! Sign up thread


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Once we have one more we start. So start thinking on how your character will act. Remeber that this exploration will be dangerous so think on how your character handles danger. I will control all other characters including the one leading the team. If you think it complements your character, you may add an armament like my guy:


Code Name: Talon (real name undetermined)

Age: 21

Birthplace: Unknown

Gender: Male


Bio: Barely anything is know about this enigmatic figure. He is an bounty hunter taking many different tasks, from assassination to protection. He seems weak, but is able to fire a full size sniper rifle without a mount. He prefers to keep to himself, so he role of a leader is questionable.


To fill in for my (ahem) straight forward plot explaination, here is a blurb filling some plot holes.


After the the discovery of the underground city, the Masters Corporation decided to get involved. Hudson Masters, the president of Masters Corporation, took control of the dig and assembled an team for exploration, seemingly not checking their credentials. Their job was to explore beyond massive gates found on the outskirts of the city. Strange energy reading exude from the gates, making it dangerous for the archeologists. Masters' mental state seems to be degrading during his brief press conference, but he is still the sponsor, so there were no questions.

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Alright, although I'm kind of against using actual characters from pop culture, one is ok. Im going to have this thread closed, but before I do, here is a quick list of how to communicate in an rp.


1. If you are not talking as your character, always put (OoC) in front of the statement and (IC) to resume rping talk.


2. Any major concerns and lengthly messages should be PMed.


3. STAY IN CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4. GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION ARE ESSENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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