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my dream e-hero deck

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acctullay the e-hero's are not that bad. in fact with the evil hero's and neo-spacians now there are becoming realy popular. btw there are realy good when paired with future fusion. like necroid shamen means necroshade in the grave which means instant neos or bladedge. in fact i think that future fusion is increadibly useful in thousands of casess. for example fgd plus future fusion. and if that fails just remove the same monsters from play with dragons mirror.

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I'm sorry, I really don't understand this.. If someone wants to make a deck for fun, Its not always going to be as tactically sound as many other decks, but its his choice. He most likely has another deck for playing with too; If he doesn't, hes a fool but thats not the point. If people want to make decks for fun reasons, why do you guys have to go and put them down? Its really pathetic. Just let the guy have the deck he wants and help him if you want. Its quite simple. If he wanted to make this a main tactical deck, he'd say so. Leave the guy be.

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Elemental Hero decks are ok. I do have a suggestion though. If you are going to use an elemental hero deck that focuses on fusions, use cards to get the monsters. I'm not sure exactly what changes you could make, but here's a little help. If this is a dream deck, why not mirror force? you have radiant, but not regular. Also, don't use fusion gate.


-1 Nex

-1 Fusion Gate

-1 Radiant Mirror Force

-1 Elemental Hero Avian

-1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

-1 Elemental Hero Neos


+2 E-Emergency Call

+1 Mirror Force

+1 Torrential Tribute

+1 Elemental Hero Wildheart

+1 Elemental Hero Neos Alius

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