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my dream e-hero deck

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this is the deck i want to build but i don't have all of the nessecary cards to do it. so if you can help out, i will pay points or trade for the cards i need. anyways, here is my 'dream hero' deck.


monsters- 25

e-hero avian x2

e-hero burstinatrix x2

e-hero sparkman x2

e-hero clayman x2

e-hero bubbleman x2

e-hero necroshade x1*

e-hero bladedge x1

e-hero wildheart x2

e-hero neos x2

neo spacian grand mole x1

neo spacian air hummingbird x1

neo spacian aqua dolphin x2

neo spacian flare scarab x1*

neo spacian dark panther x1*

neo space pathfinder x1

e-hero stratos x1*

e-hero ocean x1*


spells- 15

polymerization x2

miracle fusion x2*

neo space x2

future fusion x1

fusion gate x1

NEX x1

premature burial x1

skyscraper x1*

skyscraper 2 hero city x1*

o-oversoul x2

e-emergency call x1



hero barrier x2

hero signal x2

sakuratsu armor x2*(only need 1 more)

radiant mirror force x1

draining shield x1

magic cylinder x1*

call of the huanted x1



e-hero darkbright x2*

e-hero magma neos x1*

e-hero flame wingman x2*

e-hero pheonix enforcer x2*

e-hero shinning flare wingman x1*

e-hero shinning pheonix enforcer x1*

e-hero thunder giant x2*

e-hero muballman x2*

e-hero rampart blaster x2*

e-hero elctrum x2*

e-hero wildedge x1*

e-hero necroid shaman x1

e-hero wildwingman x2

e-hero aqua neos x1

neo spacian marine dolphin x1

e-hero marine neos x1

e-hero flare neos x2

e-hero dark neos x2*

e-hero grand neos x2*

e-hero air neos x2*

e-hero steam healer x2*



as i stated earlier, if you have any of the cards that have a * by them, and are willing to trade, pm me, i will do points for your cards, or card for card. plz contact me if you are willing to trade. PLZ.

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Here. It's not that good, but it's a Big City deck which is the best E-Hero deck to date.




Monsters: 11


3 Elemental Hero Ocean

3 Elemental Hero Wildheart

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

2 Snipe Hunter

1 Morphing Jar


Spells: 16


2 Lightning Vortex

2 Skyscraper 2 — Hero City

1 Snatch Steal

1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 E — Emergency Call

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Confiscation

1 Premature Burial

2 R — Righteous Justice


Traps: 14


3 Bottomless Trap Hole

3 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mind Crush

1 Gravity Bind

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Call of the Haunted

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So you're saying a deck which focuses around keeping field presence is worse than one that requires 3 to 5 cards (Any 2 to 4 monsters and polymerisation/similar) to summon 1 monster.


And you're the one PM-ing me to tell me that I know nothing of a good deck and what good cards are? HA.

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