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Pokemon Recolours


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It's pretty obvious you don't realize that Pokemon have borders that aren't black. On all three, you can still see there old border.


On the Vileplume you can still see the dark red and darm blue border that use to be there. Also the color choices some people would probably not like I would think, but for some reason I do like it.


Electrode has the same issue, still has it's old gray and red borders. I don't like the color choices, the red doesn't match well with the brown. I also think you should have done something to the eyebrows because they look weird there.


Dusclops has horrible color choice, and mixed with the fact it has the old colors, it really make it ugly. The green looks horible with the gray alround it everywhere. And the bright blue contrasts in an annoying way.


So you really need to fix those borders. That's the main thing you need to do. Then think about color choice.



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Jappio is there any kind of recolour or pokesplice that you actually like, apart from your own. It seems like you cant do anything else than critisize other peoples recolours and splices. Just because you're better than everyone else it doesn't mean you go round criticizing everything you see.

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There are plenty of my own I dislike or don't like. I criticize everything because criticism is necessary for improvement. The only thing I won't criticize are things that are perfect, 10/10, which let you know, are rare. I suppose a recolor could get a 10/10 pretty easy, just takes proper color conversion. A perfect 10/10 requires nothing to critique, on something that is perfect, looks like a real professional sprite. Most people here are too quick to say "nice recolors" in my opinion. I take the time to look at the sprites, and tell you how you can improve. If I said anything you disagree with, you're welcome to argue it. I'm not perfect, and I'm not even the best here, so me making a mistake in critique is a possibility. If you plan on showing art, you need to expect there to be critique, and you can't just assume you're perfect, or you're the greatest, or that you deserve nothing but positive remark. I know I'd love if someone else were to critique my work half this much.

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