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Rainbow Pikachu

D.D Star-Storm

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my creation



When this card is Tribute Summoned you may discard one monster card from you Hand and this card becomes that attribute, also you may use the correct effect.

Fire: You can attack directly with this card for this turn.

Water: You and your enemy may draw one card.

Light: You can tribute one monster you control to add one card from your Graveyard to your Hand.

Dark: You can attack twice in one turn with this card.

Wind: You can add one Spell or Trap card from you Deck or Graveyard to your Hand.


Any damage you do this turn is doubled.

i made the pic

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....this thread is totally spam...

and no one actually 'corrected it'' date=' so i'll make a first move

an excellent pic, hand doesn't need to be capped, and Fire, earth and Dark effects I believe are overpowered

change them to more stable ones and perfect! 8/10


i will do it but for now i like it so im keeping it that way it took me 20 minects to make this

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