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Ultimate Card Raters

Zack Blaze

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Welcome. In this club we will nominate cards and Rate them. At The End of the Month We will have a Drawing for the Card of the Month. We will give the Creator 3 reps. And then at the End of the Year we will have another Drawing for the Card of the Year. The Creator will get 6 reps and 100 Points. Card Format how Well your card is Presented. If you grt a "Congrats!" at the end of your Rating, you have been entered for the Drawing At the End of the Month. And If you win the Monthly Drawing you will be entered into the Yearly Drawing.









Mech King™





[spoiler=Rating #1 - Silent Hunter™]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Releasing 3 Fiend-Type monsters you control. When a Fiend-Type monster is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, destroy 1 card on the field. While you control 2 or more Fiend-Type monsters, this card cannot be selected as an attack target. If your opponent removes a monster you control from play, destroy this card. This card can be Special Summoned from your Graveyard by Releasing 1 "Deathkaiser Dragon" you control ignoring the Summoning conditions.



OCG - 10/10

Pic - 9/10

Effect - 9/10

Name - 10/10

Card Format - 10/10


Overall - 48/50 or 96%





[spoiler=Rating #2 - BlackLusterSoldier76]


Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 Fiend-type to destroy 1 opponents monster.If you do so, you cannot attack for 2 turns.By paying 1000 Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

-Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower monster from your hand in attack position.

-Increase this card ATK by 700 until the End Phase of the turn this effect was activated.

-Draw 5 cards from your deck and discard 3 cards from your hand to the Graveyard.At each of your own Standby Phases pay 300 Life Points.If you cannot, this card is destroyed.



OCG - 7/10

Pic - 9/10

Effect - 8/10

Name - 10/10

Card Format - 10/10


Overall - 44/50 or 88%




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