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2nd gen pokemon splice


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That is spam, please dont just post a one word post in this thread or any thread ever again. Please actually contribute something to the thread, because "Awesome!" is just saying awesome, it is not even saying what is awesome. But thank you for the compliment.

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The 2nd gen splice is interesting. The shading though is off. In some areas it looks like the light source is coming from the right, and in other areas it loks like it's coming from the left. The beak has that odd purple blotch in it. I also think there isn't enough Ho-Oh and Lugia in it.


The Crogunk+Deoxys+Scizor is pretty neat. Tere are a few problems though. On the back there is that little notch that for some reason has a grey borders, instead of a dark red.The stomach area looks a little weird, but I guess that is only when zoomed in though, so that's a minor mistake, and I don't know if it's fixable.


Articuno+Butterfree+Alakazam is neat too. Your right wing needs to be reshade. The legs in my opinion seem really odd on compared to the rest of the body. I kind of don't like the tail, but I think that's just personally, so there probably is no problem with it. I would maybe alter the right wing so it looks a little different than the other, its kind of obvious you just flipped the other wing for it.



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