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[Recolomato] recolor and splicer emproium OPENING SPECIAL! HALF OFF ALL ITEMS!


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Welcome to the Recolor and Splicer Emporium!


The shop is currently...




The prices for each item is listed in the spoiler below



Recoloring Sheets-10 points

Splicing-4 points

Recoloring-2 points



[spoiler=SPECIAL DEAL]

All purchases for Splices, Recolorings, and Recoloring Sheets

are half off for the next 5days!





Please read the spoilers below for the forms that you need to fill out.


I will NOT accept any unformed requests.


[spoiler=Recolor Form]



What pokemon you want to recolor:

What pokemon you want to use to replace colors on the 1st pokemon (optional):

Colors you want to use (if you don't aswer the question stated above):

Do you want a recoloring sheet:

Total amount of recolered pokemon:

Total amount of points:




[spoiler=Splice Form]



What pokemon you want to splice:

Second pokemon you want to splice:

What pokemon you want to use to recolor other pokemon:

What parts you want to fuse:

Total amount of recolered pokemon:

Total amount of points:





ALL form questions must be answered unless there is an (optional) to the side of it.


[spoiler=Example of Recolor]

Just look at my sig!

Sorry about graphics thats how they turn out for some reason.




[spoiler=Example of Splice]


Tyranitar's arms and colors on shuppet's body.

Again, sorry about the graphics.




[spoiler=Want to work here?]

Staff Form


What you can do:

Examples of your work:

Prices for each item:

Order Forms for each items:




All staff members will get 1 rep per month.


The harder you work, the more rep you get.

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