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Autonomous Action Unit

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As said before, Monster Reborn is a better an more efficent version of this card. Monster Reborn doesn't cost anything, just that you can only have one in your deck. But this card requires 1500 Life Points for a monster, means, Epic Fail if you don't like Monster Reborn.



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As said before' date=' Monster Reborn is a better an more efficent version of this card. Monster Reborn doesn't cost anything, just that you can only have one in your deck. But this card requires 1500 Life Points for a monster, means, Epic Fail if you don't like Monster Reborn.




I know this is a bit off topic but, what the hell? I had the ~ thingy name sign first damn it! Lolz.


Also, this card insults Arm's Hole.



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1. I didn't name it as a replacement for Monster Reborn since you can play BOTH.

2. Non-Limited > Limited

3. Grab Gladiator Beasts - summon Gyzarus, grab Gyzarus, grab Tuner, grab effect monsters, grab Tuner/Monarch/Cyber Valley fodder, grab Beatsticks with >1500 atk. (Synchros)

4. Take away darks/lightworns

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I love that dito-posting after JoC posted.


@ Exiro


of course I'm siding it but I can't see big problems maining this with 3 Cyber Valley, 3 Krebons, 1 Psychic Commander, 3 Emergency Teleport, 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch, 3 Mind Control, 1 Brain Control, 1 Monster Reborn, 1 D - Plasma, 3 D - Malicious and Crush Card Virus anyway. And except against Macro Cosmos you at least could grab something to beat.

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I love that dito-posting after JoC posted.


@ Exiro


of course I'm siding it but I can't see big problems maining this with 3 Cyber Valley' date=' 3 Krebons, 1 Psychic Commander, 3 Emergency Teleport, 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch, 3 Mind Control, 1 Brain Control, 1 Monster Reborn, 1 D - Plasma, 3 D - Malicious and Crush Card Virus anyway. And except against Macro Cosmos you at least could grab something to beat.



Its the same reason needle ceiling shouldnt be run

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Guest PikaPerson01

but guiz dis iznt munsta reburn olololololo


On-topic: Side at best. You don't really want to run into the Rogue burn deck where 1500 LP ends up costing a fortune, and all you'll end up doing is reviving their Des Koala. Not the worst card in the world, but I'd still use it to turn Kuraz into a 1500 LP Pot of Greed.

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