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Synchro Monster Contest {FINISHED}


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Here is my Entry:


Card Lore: 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner Monsters

This card gets these effects, based on the number of Aqua-type monsters you control.

- 1+ This card gains 100 ATK form each card in your hand.

- 2+ Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can draw 1 card.

- 3+ Once per turn you can return 1 Spell or Trap card on the field to its owners hand.

- 4+ Once per turn you can return 1 level 4 or lower monster on the field to its owners hand.

I'll pay the fee in a second.

Edit: Payed.

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Results are in :) if you have any questions, please PM me.


[spoiler=Second Place goes 2]DX Games!

Although his entry was very good, I must say the following things:

*Minor ocg errors

*Although elemental of hardened fire is an 8-star Tuner, runed flame golem remains severely underpowered.






[spoiler=1st Place Goes 2]DeMenTeD!

Fantastic, perfect ocg, great pics, but...

I'm not overly impressed with the effects. yes they are long, but they lack creativity. All I see is a bunch of random effects merged together to make 1. Otherwise, congrats :D



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Think about it. Say you give Elemental of Hardened Fire and another 8 Star monster as the Tributes for the Synchro Summon. Giving up 2 8 Star monsters is a large sacrifice. Now, is that large of a sacrifice worth 2 level 8 monsters for a monster that is removed from play at the end of your turn? Say your opponent survives the attack from the Synchro monster, then you would have an open field for your opponent to attack. The Synchro monster can also be destroyed by Spell, Trap and monster effects, and after getting it on the field with such a large sacrifice, wouldn't that sort of piss you off having it destroyed?


Now do you understand why i say its underpowered?

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