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My Demise OTK Deck


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Please leave any comments or improvements you have for this deck. Be brutally honest if you have to. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can get in 1st or 2nd in small tourneys.


Demise OTK

~Total~ -45-

~Monsters~ -23-

3| Demise King of Armageddon

3| Insect Knight

3| Neo Bug

3| Doom Dozer

3| Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

3| Senju of the Thousand Hand

3| Sonic Bird

2| Magical Merchant


~Spells~ -14-

3| Contract of the Abyss

3| End of the World

1| Advanced Ritual Art

1| Megamorph

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Giant Trunade

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Swords of Revealing Light

1| Messenger of Peace


~Traps~ -8-

3| Return from the Different dimension

2| Dark Bribe

1| Mirror Force

2| Gravity Bind

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