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E-Hero King

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good card, even tho i dont want to be the first negative person ummm the only thing that seems overpowered is that it increases ATK by 600 for each e-hero, d-hero, and evil hero you control. lol sry but that just bugs me a little. if all monster spaces on ur side r filled with ne combo of the 3 that makes +3000 ATK to the equipped monster. besides that i still give it 9.5/10

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good card' date=' even tho i dont want to be the first negative person ummm the only thing that seems overpowered is that it increases ATK by 600 for each e-hero, d-hero, and evil hero you control. lol sry but that just bugs me a little. if all monster spaces on ur side r filled with ne combo of the 3 that makes +3000 ATK to the equipped monster. besides that i still give it 9.5/10

[/quote']its suppose to be a hero version of united we stand where the monster only gains 600 for each E, D, and Evil Hero you control, unlike united we stand's 800 for any monster you control.The Sword Of Heroes is jus a lower version of united we stand that only works for heroes.My bad i hope u understand now.Thanx though8)

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