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New Project: KOF First 25 Cards and Maybe More (Update: Some Bosses)


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Ugh, normal monsters, and horribly underpowered at that... You could've called them warriors, as apposed to fighters, same thing in a lot of games. But yeah, very underpowered.

I've seen vanilla 3* with 1700 ATK, 4* w/ 2000, 5/6* w/ 2500 and 7+* with 3000, in real yugioh set. (hunter dragon or w/e, werewolf, summoned skull, and blue-eyes)

Nice pictures though... no backgrounds though... overall?.. 5/10... i suppose.

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Good change to warrior, and it is better to have them more powerful, but now maybe a bit too much. a 1 sac monster like summoned skull is 2500 and vanilla, stronger no-effect monster and i think they plan to keep it that way. In other words, maybe now downsize just a bit, make the one you think should be strongest, out of the vanilla, a 2500 or so and make the others just below it. Yet, much better, not only by changing them to warriors but also powering them up, although now they need a tad power-down... (sorry, >.<' but it was true, earlier i saw their power and though 'OMFG, those are like old yu-gi-oh cards' thinking back to my old zombie deck that had the 1600 atk no def dragon zombie... vanilla... ahh, i miss those days)

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