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Me and my friends decks

Father Wolf

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Deck 1 (Me): Lightsworn

Monsters 20

Gaurdian of the Order x2

Celestia x2

Wulf x3

Lumina x3

Lyla x2

Ryko x2

Jain x1

Ehren x1

Garoth x1

Necro Gardna x2

Breaker the Magical Warrior x1


Spells 17

RotA x2

Card of Safe Return x2

Enemy Controller x2

Lightning Vortex x2

Pot D'Avarice x2 (All my pot of avi's are super rare french ones)

Foolish Burial x2

Solar Recharge x3

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1


Traps 8

Threatening Roar x2

Glorious Illusion x2

Beckoning Light x2

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x1

Torrential Tribute x1



Deck 2 (Marty): World Lock

Monsters 17

Arcana Force XXI - The World x3

D.D. Scout Plain x3

Armaggedon Knight x2

e-hero Stratos x1

d-hero Dimoned Dude x3

Strike Ninja

Bazoo x2

Hecatrace x2


Spells 20

Cup of Ace x3

2nd Cointoss x2

Terriphorming x1

Light Barrier x2

VHotF x2

Foolish Burial x2

Trade In x1

RotA x3

Reasoning x1

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Reancar x2


Traps 6

Threating Roar x3

Defence Draw x2

Torrential Tribute x1



Deck 3 (Connor): Giga Plant OTK

Monsters 13

Giga Plant x3

Lonefire Blossume x3

Blaze Wing Butterfly x3

Kuraz x2

Toon Cannon Soldier x2


Spells 27

Reasoning x1

Monster Gate x1

Monster Reborn x1

Hand Destruction x3

Mass Driver x3

Toon Table of Contence x3

Card Destruction x1

Upstart Goblin x3

Dragons Mirrior x2

Card of Safe Return x2

Soul Exchange x2

Poly x3

Fusion Sage x2

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