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[SHP] Ced's All Around Shop Emporium ( NOW ACCEPTING STAFF )


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Hello YCMer's.

I'm new to this Shop thing, but I am a pretty good splicer ^_^.

So, if there is anything wrong with my shop, please tell me.


Anyway, I will state what I do below, and other wonders of this shop!

[spoiler= Rules of my shop]


1. Please no spamming up the shop with nonsense like " Thank you, I'm waiting" and that crap...

2. The Splice prices are...


2 Pokemon Splice- 3 points

3 Pokemon Splice- 5 Points

4 Pokemon or more Splice- 7 Points


3. You get what you get.

4. There are NO refunds.

5. You MUST provide me with these details:

Pokemon to Splice:
Recolor?: Yes or No
Any Certain additions?:
Total Point Amount Due:






As I said, you get what you get.

And you shall be surprised!




[spoiler= Total Customers]

Grale253- 3 Points

BlueKyubbi- 3 Points



[spoiler= Job Application]


What would YOU do?: ( As in Holo, Splice, recolor, booster packs, etc. )
Did you PM me at least 3 pieces of your work?:
Will you work when needed?:


NOTE: You do not have to shop or have shopped here to become an Employee.




[spoiler= Teh Otha Rulez]

[spoiler= Recoloring Rules]

1. no spamming

2. you must be specific for what colors you want

3. two pokemon at a time

4. i am not a machine i cannot perform recolorings at the blink of an eye so dont get impatient

5. i will notify you guys when im grounded or have to take a break


Heres the form:
Pokemon you want to recolor:
What pokemon you want to use to recolor (optional):
what colors you want to use:
total amount of points:
total amount of pokemon:

^ Provided by Recolomato.










Also, no stealing other splices I've made for the people!


[spoiler= Staff List]

1. Cedefia- Splicer

2. Recolomato- Head Recolorer



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i would like to work here.

Username: Recolomato

What would YOU do?: recolor pokemon

Did you PM me at least 3 pieces of your work?: yes

Will you work when needed?: yes, sometiems i may be unavailable,

but it's either because im grounded, or im out to lunch or something. I always get to it later that day unless im grounded then the day afetr the post is accepted.

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