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ABCDE cards

White Glint Helix

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I got the idea from the VWXYZ cards because they are my favorite yugioh card's that I have seen so far.


A nitro cannon



Once per turn, you can equip or unequip this card to B giga tank or C megaallow jet. A monster equipped with this card gains 500 attack and 400 defense. Only one union card can be equipped to a monster at a time.


B giga tank



Once per turn, you can equip or unequip this card to A nitro cannon or C megaallow jet. A monster equipped with this card gains 600 attack and defense. Only one union card can be equipped to a monster at a time.


C megaallow jet



Once per turn, you can equip or unequip this card to A nitro cannon or B giga tank. A monster equipped with this card gains 800 attack and 400 defense. Only one union card can be equipped to a monster at a time.


D overdrive tank



Once per turn, you can equip or unequip this card to E hyperwing jet. A monster equipped with this card gains 400 attack and 700 defense. Only one union card can be equipped to a monster at a time.



E hyperwing jet



Once per turn, you can equip or unequip this card to D overdrive tank. A monster equipped with this card gains 500 attack and 200 defense. Only one union card can be equipped to a monster at a time.


AB nitro tank cannon



A nitro cannon + B giga tank

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to send one of your opponent's monsters to the graveyard.


AC nitro jet



A nitro cannon + C megaallow jet

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to send one of your opponents magic cards to the grave yard. If the card is face down, flip it face up. If it is a magic card, send it to the graveyard. If it is a trap card, return it facedown.


BC megaallow tank



B giga tank + C megaallow jet

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to send one of your opponent's trap cards to the graveyard. If the card is face down, flip it face up. If the card is a trap card, send it to the graveyard. If it is a magic card, return it face down.


ABC nitro gigaallow tank cannon



A nitro cannon + B giga tank + C megaallow jet

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to send one of your opponent's card's to the graveyard.


DE hyperdrive jet



D overdrive tank + E hyperwing jet

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to remove from play, one of your opponent's magic or trap cards on his/her side of the field.


ABCXYZ nitro giga dragon cannon tank



ABC nitro gigaallow tank cannon + XYZ tank dragon cannon

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to send to the grave yard, one card on the field or in your opponent's hand to the graveyard.


DEVW hyperdrive tiger catapult



DE hyperdrive jet + VW tiger catapult

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to remove from play, one card on your opponent's side of the field.


ABCDE Hyperdrive nitro gigaallow tank cannon



ABC nitro giga allow tank cannon + DE hyperdrive jet

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to the graveyard to remove from play two cards on your opponent's side of the field.


ABCDEVWXYZ Nitro gigaallow hyperdrive tank dragon catapult cannon



ABCDE hyperdrive nitro gigaallow tank cannon + VWXYZ tank dragon catapult cannon

This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can remove from play up to two cards on your opponent's side of the field.

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Cool! But shouldn't ABXY be Giga Nitro Dragon Cannon (X-Head Cannon and Y-Dragon Head)? Are you going to make their ATK and DEF equal to their exact combined ATK and DEF, or will you lower them a bit? I guess they would be too high if they weren't lowered. Have you thought about what their effects will be?

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ACXZ Nitro Megaallow Cannon Tank



This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to look at the top 5 cards on your opponent's deck. Send to the graveyard, one trap card and put the rest of the cards in the order they where before.


BCYZ Gigaallow Tank Dragon



This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to look at the top 5 cards on your opponent's deck. Send to the graveyard, one normal monster and put the rest of the cards in the order they where before.


ABXY Giga Nitro Dragon Cannon



This card can only be fusion summoned by removing the above cards from play. Once per turn you can send one card from your hand to look at the top 5 cards on your opponent's deck. Send to the graveyard, one spell card and put the rest of the cards in the order they where before.


How that?

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