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Arcana Force deck

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40 cards


Monsters 20:


Arcana force 0- The fool x3

Arcana force I- The magician

Arcana force III- The empress x3

Arcana force IV- The emperor x2

Arcana force VI- The lovers

Arcana force VII- The chariot x2

Arcana force XIV- Temperance x2

Arcana force XXI- The world x3

Samsara lotus x2



Spells 10:


Valhalla, hall of the fallen

Second coin toss

Light barrier x2


Lightening vortex

Cup of ace x2

Brain control

Magical mallet


Traps 10:


Tour of doom

Lucky chance

Hallowed life barrier

Torrential tribute

Reversal of fate x2

Horn of heaven

The grave of enkindling x2

Zoma the spirit



Please don't tell me about the fact that I don't use a dark ruler as i don't have one but i am currently working on getting one. All help welcomed and please leave a comment.

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-2 Cup of Ace

+2 Valhalla


-all traps except Reversal of Fate.

-1 The Lovers

-1 Magical Mallet

-1 Second Coin Toss

+1 Reversal of Fate

+3 Solemn Judgement

+2 Gellenduo

+2 Athena

+2 Hecatrice

+1 Terraforming


ArcanaBurn. Nao.


ArcanaBurn™ is my alternative to Arcana decks that don't use or have Dark Ruler.

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