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Super Revised Deck of Attempted Win

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Big step from my previous deck, the one which after playtesting it against DAD around 10 times in a night failed, I decided to revise the deck list between each duel after the first few. This deck is untested as is.


I'm trying to think of a way to put Kuriboh in the deck, because I seriously want him. If you can think of a way to do this, please tell me. I really hate how "Dark World Meta" this looks @.@


Monsters: 21

[3]Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

[2]Dark Necrofear

[1]Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

[3]Giant Germ

[2]Kahkki, Guerrilla of Dark World


[3]Bronn, Mad King of Dark World (-1 for Resonator?)

[1]Protector of the Sanctuary


[1]Morphing Jar

[1]Snipe Hunter


Spells: 12

[2]Allure of Darkness

[2]Dark World Dealings

[2]Card of Safe Return

[1]Dark World Lightning

[1]Card Destruction

[1]Heavy Storm

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Brain Control

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 7


[2]Dark Bribe

[1]Crush Card Virus

[1]Mirror Force

[1]Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck:

[1]Ally of Justice Catastor

[1]Arms Aid

[2]Goyo Guardian


[2]Black Rose Dragon

[2]X-Saber Urbellum

[2]Dark-End Dragon

[2]Stardust Dragon

[1]Red Archfiend Dragon

[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend


Side Deck:

[3]Cold Wave

[3]Chain Disappearance




[1]Deck Devastation Virus

[2]Success Probability 0%

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nah...Take out snipe for Kuriboh.Snipe cant use DW's summon/etc. effects and only destroys a card 2/3 times.


also,i think dark Nephtys should be considered.It summons itself from the grave,making COSR slightly less unneeded.it also,wipes a S/T off the field when it comes out,and is a 2400 beatstick afterwards.otherwise,i dont see any problems.

and kudos on the Success Probablity 0%.nice this format.if it works on synchros as well,like it should.imagine hitting stardust.ouchies.

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well i do


its not quite darkworld its not quite dark necro fear


just wtf is it :L

It's Epic WTF.


The idea behind the deck is to utilize the summoning/dumping power of Dark World (which dumping in the case of Kahkki actually pays off) to summon my bigger monsters and wreak havoc with hand and field.


Necrofear is in here to be an ever-looming destructo-stopped. When used correctly, this card can turn an entire match around. People just don't like how slow he is.


Krebons was not a choice of my own.. He was supposed to be a luck-stall or, well, just a Tuner. I want to drop it for Resonator, but not sure if that would be wise.


Protector = Draw stall. If he is face-up, my opponent (namely DAD and other such decks) would lose drawing ability. And he also combos well with Jar.


I want to put in Kuriboh so that my little Necrofear would have a better chance of being effective. If my opponent does destroy him, they're probably going to be attempting to swing for game.


Germ helps with Synchros/Stall/CCVing.

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