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Pyrus - Cerberus

Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer

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Pic is too realistic

Divine beasts belong in any other cards no matter how realistic

Not bad.

I disagree. It's pretty much like Pokémon haters. The dumb, cursing, and flaming Pokémon haters always get noticed first, while the smarter ones are never seen. Thus, to Pokémon fans, when they expect a Pokémon hater, they almost always expect a dumb one. Same thing with Divine-Beasts. The Egyptian Gods get noticed first, so they supposedly set the bar for other Divine-Beasts. This should be not so.


And OMGAKITTY, that picture does fit so well. D:

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Is it realistic? No.


But is it useful? No again.


Alright, that's great that you want to be unorthodox (I was thinking about doing a booster on unorthodox cards ^^), but if you want to do that, at least try to make the card playable. Or else, it probably belongs in pop culture with the rest of the cards made by fanboys who have nothing better to do with their lives than attend comic parties and watch "Naruto" Montages all day.


First of all, "Divine-Beast" is not a Type. Either make a regular type, or this doesn't belong in realistic (sorry, common sense strikes again ^^).


Next, I should have you look at the fact that all deity-like cards need a summon req., and yours doesn't. So I recommend changing that, unless you're trying to be so unorthodox that your card won't be accepted by the masses. Not only that, your primary effect has some parentheticals that don't make sense: "(instead of Effect Monsters where applicable)" doesn't really make sense. To my knowledge, there's no monster effect out there which states, "This monster cannot be treated as a Normal Monster." or somesuch. Remove that. Next, you need to remember that this would be the only Divine-Beast-Type, aside from the Egyptian God Cards which aren't in the Official Advanced or Traditional Dueling Formats, in the TCG if it was accepted. So the chances of the secondary effect being used are pretty much 0 (why would you stock 2 level 9 monsters in your deck... heck, why stock even 1??). And again with the tertiary effect, which actually might help with a Pyro-Deck. But Pyro-Decks aren't exactly popular, and it's hard to summon a lvl 9 monster anyway...


Besides, how do these things tie in together? Normal Monsters and Divine-Beast-Type Monsters don't really relate in anyway, so this card would not only be unrelated to any official card game strategies with its last two effects, but even if those effects were useful, the first effect would be useless in comparison. All I see this card working with are "Justi-Break" and a Normal Monster Deck (not so common either).


So I guess the picture is cool ^^. I guess making godlike cards is cool. But I don't see any strategical benefit from this card, no realism. And if you'll notice, this is the "Realistic Cards" Section of the Forum.


Nice try, but I know you can do better. Try to be unorthodox some other way. :mrgreen:

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