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best card contest

Aniri Wulf

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this card cannot be normal summoned or set. this card only can be special summoned by tributing 3 monster from your side of the field. when this card is tribute summoned succesfully inflict 500 damage to both player life point. once per turn you can tribute 1 monster on your side of the field. activate the following effect based on attribute of the monter you tributed.

FIRE: this card gain 700 ATk until this end phase of this turn.

WATER: change battle position of 1 monster on your opponent side of the field.

WIND: return 1 card from the field to the top of owner deck.

EARTH: destroy 1 card on the field.

DARK: inflict 700 damage to your opponent life point

LIGHT: flip face up 1 face down monster on your opponent side of the field (flip effect is not activated).

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Here is my entry.


Effect: Can only be special summoned by tributing 3 water monsters level 6 or higher. This monster can only atk once a turn. This card gains 300 atk for each sea serpeant monster you control. By discarding a card from your hand you can destroy one non water monster on the field. You can only do this once a turn. If you do this monster can't atk.

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