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High Attack Beatdown


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This is the first time I've listed my deck on a forum. As the subject indicates, it's a high attack beatdown deck.




Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (1)




Blue Eyes White Dragon (3)

Saber Beetle (1)

Cybertech Alligator (1)

Bitelon (1)

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch (1)

Blindly Loyal Goblin (1)

Insect Knight (1)

Luster Dragon (2)

Element Dragon (1)

Marshmallon (1)

Man-Eater Bug (1)

Gemini Elf (1)

King Tiger Wanghu (1)

Alien Shocktrooper (1)

Sabersaurus (1)

Gene-Warped Warwolf (1)


Magic (one of each)



Horn of the Unicorn

Malevolent Nuzzler

Swords of Revealing Light

Tribute to the Doomed

Centrifugal Field

Heavy Storm

Gift of the Martyr


Monster Reincarnation



Monster Reborn

Future Fusion

Rush Recklessly

Lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Gate


Trap (one of each)


Dust Tornado

Ultimate Offering

Magic Cylinder

Negate Attack


Magic Jammer

Jar of Greed

Sakuretsu Armor


Well, there you have it. Enjoy.

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Horn of The Unicorn

Malevolent Nuzzler


I stopped reading there. Don't worry' date=' after seeing Saber Beetle, I skipped the rest of the monsters.


[i']Also, lolz at Magic Jammer.[/i]




Magic Jammer is one of the decent cards in this Deck.


Sure, Magic Jammer isn't a good card, but it's an ok alternative to Solemn Judgment or Magic Drain if you can't get Solemn Judgment or Magic Drain.


You're giving Marshmallon a bad name by using it in such a horrible Deck.

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Horn of The Unicorn

Malevolent Nuzzler


I stopped reading there. Don't worry' date=' after seeing Saber Beetle, I skipped the rest of the monsters.


[i']Also, lolz at Magic Jammer.[/i]




Magic Jammer is one of the decent cards in this Deck.


Sure, Magic Jammer isn't a good card, but it's an ok alternative to Solemn Judgment or Magic Drain if you can't get Solemn Judgment or Magic Drain.


You're giving Marshmallon a bad name by using it in such a horrible Deck.


Agreed. A valuable substitute to Magic Drain, but I honestly don't think it's comparable to Solemn Judgment, IMO.



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