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E-Hero King

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Me: Awesome


Jaden: Sucks


*Beats Jaden up*


Very Nice though but don't include that Summon thing. E Hero fusion in IRL)suck(no offense) because most have a pointless effect(except god neos and Gaia) and that summon thing. The effect should be somthing that can be used, If you do that...your cards will be (even more) awesome 9.99/10

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thanx guys.i hope u all know that every hero fusion has a certain effect that can help at certain times, meaning that some may look bad but in the future they will really help..i went against a water deck and inferno kicked but.lol shaman helped against monarchs, and wildedge against gladiators.oh yeah no offense taken darkhunter.i have respect 4 u.

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