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The Circle of Life, a yugioh concept

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well it has to be tier 1 because it takes a period of time before anti meta is formed and by then their is good alternatives ( this does not include the gb meta ), and whats the point in running tier 2 in a tournament if you know your likely to face many tier 1 decks ( this does include the gb meta, where over 50% of the decks were gb )

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Anti-Meta do not beat Tier one decks' date=' Tier 2 decks do not beat Anti Meta, Tier One do not beat Tier 2. Each duel is an indepedant event of probability, it is based on a series of variables. Luck, Skill, build.



Stop your epicness this minute. I command you.



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Anti-Meta do not beat Tier one decks' date=' Tier 2 decks do not beat Anti Meta, Tier One do not beat Tier 2. Each duel is an indepedant event of probability, it is based on a series of variables. Luck, Skill, build.



Stop your epicness this minute. I command you.




I was thinking this the entire time.


Who's says this is correct all the time?


All it is is how you built your deck, plain and symple.


This means that a random deck has the chance of beating DaD turbo even, but it isnt likely. Still, if you get a bad hand and bad shuffle, then you could lose with any deck.

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by jocs statement hes saying that meta' date=' anti meta, and tire 2 doesn't exist.


so is their a definition for these? and does this mean that meta is just something that restrains deck building ? (trying to expand this thread discussion )



the do exist but the have a higher proptions for the three variables, luck will always be random, however the decks have different proptions on the build in each duel due to cards effectivness against another deck. Eg a deck running oppression will be better against a glad deck than it playing a deck that doesnt use special summons

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Tier 2 is funnest, but Necroface is still $100+ (way too high up there) to make it worth playing, and Apprentice is ineffective in this meta.


Meta kills most people, but GB is overplayed and LS is 3 Honest, 2 Judgment Dragon, etc...

Even Zombies, if they suddenly become top tier because of Plaguespreader, are going to require Goblin Zombies, whose value is going to skyrocket when plaguespreader is released anyway.


Not nearly as fun as Tier 2, althought LS is pretty fun.


Anti-Meta is funner than Meta, but not as fun as tier 2.


Personally, I like the decks that are too new to be judged, concepts that people haven't thought of yet that could end up being Tier 1, excellent Anti-Meta, or just Tier 2 or noob junk.


Although I will admit that Demise OTK is the funnest deck that ever existed.


Currently Running: Synchro, its fun. :) I kinda want to see if Psychics can FTK, and if so, how much the price of all that stuff will sky rocket once the FTK is leaked. I know for fact that they can 2 turn OTK, (difficult with Megamorph at 1) but if it could be done in one turn, it would be top tier instantly.


A Legendary Ocean was also an incredibly fun deck (ahh the noob years of yugimanz) :P


But for serious, DDT, DMoC abuse and all the fun stuff from last meta > GB dominated bull.

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