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out of buisnes pleez lock PERMANENTALY


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1 points or 2 if you orderd The max Wich is 3 at the moment.

Note: as the warning says, orders are not worked on unless poasted in the TIME LIMIT on friday.

this is because I go to a public school and have to meet Oklahoma state standerds to pass to Ninth grade.

Thouse times are my only free hours of my day especialy if I join the robotics team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please give credit for the holo sheets used...


as some of them arent yours...

Ah yes, holo sheats 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 are alas not mine.

I have obtained them through several online sites and graphic tutorials. However, most of these sorces didn't care if I used them or not.

For h1 I surfed several threads until I found an external link.

holosheats 3, 8, 9, 10 are however are mine. 3 was a 2 rotated 30-40 degrees

while 8,9,10 where the same experiment three times.


For the ones i do not own, All i can say is that they are not mine. this colection is at least 2 years old.

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I'm sorry but your card does not have goldening capabilities it must have a normal card sticker and a normal border(s) in order to work.

yours is not going to be p.m.ed instead I'm going to use yours as an example.

:( :( SORRY :( :(

If you already paid I'll refund this once.

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