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Moneypony's free splice and recolor shop EVERYTHING IS FREE!come here!


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there are 2 types of splices please pick one and copy form

[spoiler=non-recolored splice]

[b]splices[/b](up to 5):
[b]base pokemon[/b](optional):




[spoiler=recolored splice]

[b]splices[/b](up to 5):
[b]base pokemon[/b](the color will be recolored to that pokemon's):





i can make them but just need examples



please copy and paste the forms,items sent via PM.

all splices i made from this store can be used by you but i can put it in my splice sheets.points,rep,and credits appreciated.


  1. no flaming
  2. no spamming
  3. no asking how to splice
  4. no saying thanks(say it via PM)
  5. no stealing
  6. no claiming as own
  7. use form or order will be ignored

if you break the rules action will be taken depending on the offense.

you can order anytime.

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omg,if your going to take your business elswhere then go,most shops cost points anyway,and welche(i mean ninja steve,getting used to it) your order will be done by tommorow,i can't get on a computer with MSPaint right now.and devo,whats so hard about copying a form and re-editing it,you would have gotten a free one if you did,and dont spam and flame this store!

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