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synchro samurai (first attempt)


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hello this is my six sam deck updated for synchro... having said that here we go


deck total 40


grandmaster 3

shogun 3

enishi 1

zanji 3

yaichi 3

spirit 2

irou 2

kamon 1

tune warrior 2

breaker 1



RoTA 3

warrior returning alive 1

six samurai united 3

monster reborn 1

reasoning 1

brain control 1

heavy storm 1



double-edged sword technique 2

bottomless trap hole 2

threatening roar 3

torrential tribute 1


extra deck[7]

gaia knight 2

colossal fighter 2

goyo 1

stardust 2


well thats it an i would realy like some help.

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Well, I'd start by focusing on which Synchro monsters you want to get out the most often. Are you more interested in Stardust and Colossal or Gaia and Goyo? If you're more after the level 8 Synchros, I would definitely use at least two copies of Instant Fusion. Have level 3 and level 5 Fusion Monsters in your Extra deck to bring out with them and Synchro a level 3 Tuner with the level 5 Fusion Monster. No wasted Samurai and a quick Stardust, to say the least. Actually, with Giltia the D. Knight, you could use Avenging Knight Parshath in a pinch as well, since Giltia's a level 5 LIGHT Fusion Monster to go with your level 3 Tuner.


Now, since you already have your Tune Warrior, I'd bump it up to 3 and take out Breaker, probably. Ultimately it's up to you, but you already have 3 mini-Breaker in Yaichi form, so it doesn't seem necessary. Past that, I can't complain about the monster line-up since it's so close to my own anyway. You're looking great on there. Good work.


The Spells are also super close to mine. The only difference is that I have a Book of Moon, another Warrior Returning Alive, and the Instant Fusion. For you, I would say to leave this as it is. Good job on the spells.


The TRAPS though. The Traps are where I think you suffer the hardest. The Bottomless Trap Hole are understandable, but the others I think you could do without. I don't know what's in your meta that would call for Threatening Roar, but I say it's not very useful. And the Double-Edged Sword Technique would be fine, but with no Hand and only two Spirit, it's really not worth it, in my opinion.


This looks like the best chance to fit in 5 cards and I'd say to go for the two Instant Fusion and three Solemn Judgment. Bottomless is a little odd for me in the Main Deck, but that's just because I'm stubborn. Haha. You should be fine with that. Also, try to get a Hand of the Six Samurai if you can.


Overal, my only changes would be these:


-1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

-2x Double-Edged Sword Technique

-3x Threatening Roar

+1x Tune Warrior

+2x Instant Fusion

+3x Solemn Judgment

+1x Flame Swordsman

+1x Giltia the D. Knight

+1x Charubin the Fire Knight

+1x Avenging Knight Parshath


From there, make a Side Deck to fit your meta and you're solid. Good deck, and good luck. =]

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thanks, you helped me out alot, the fusions, tune warrior and instant fusions are not a problem, but it might take me time to get hand and a few solemns, but i think i can work around that, and i have i side deck i just forgot to post it [haha], but again thanks for being nice and helping me and saying that is it a good deck, i thought i messed the deck up[ok going to stop rambling on now] thanks again and good luck with your six samurai deck too. =]

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