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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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DISCLAIMER: Inspired by darklord-pain's thead, "The Battle". I would link to it, but it's locked.


One millenium ago, a dark warrior known as Jygkyi attempted to overthrow the world into darkness with the Tiliyii Rock, a comet containing mystical powers far beyond the human race. He assembled an army of beings made purely from the powers of the Tiliyii Rock and went to war with the Golden Army, a group of skilled warriors that were the only thing standing between him and world domination. They destroyed the army and nearly obtained there objective, but that's when the army's genral, Byiki, stepped in. He defeated the entire army and then Jygkyi in the ultimate duel. Byiki used the one thing Jygkyi didn't: smarts. Jygkyi was too confident to actually fight, and just striked aimlessly. Byiki deflected strike after strike, and eventually finished off Jygkyi when he was too exhuasted. However, after that, Jygkyi's son, Dykja, made plans to avenge his father. After 1000 years of waiting, he harnessed the power of the Tiliyii Rock, and has striked again. It is up to you to stop him.



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Weapon: (Magic, Sword, or Bow-And-Arrow)


Side: (Good or Bad)



My form

Name: Robbie

Apperence: Dark brown hair

Brown eyes

Gold suit of armor

Gold cape

Weapon: Golden Blade, Rindona (You can name your sword if you have one)

Bio: A great warror. He was originally a archer who unoffically worked for whichever good side army was in the most trouble. His talents were realized and he was made and official soilder. He has now discovered thelegendary Golden Blade, Rindona, the one Byiki used to defeat Jygkyi 1000 years ago, and is stating a new Golden Army to fight Jygkyi's son, Dykja, and his 2nd Generation army.

Side: Good

Position: Genral

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Name:Cody "Death Shadow" Renaldi

Appearance:Blond hair,sky blue eyes,camo shirt,Red cape,Red pants,& red boots

Weapon:Storm,his gray & gold spear

Bio:Cody was the quiet one of his family before he signed up to be in the army,he made Storm,his trusty spear,he hates war,but dosen't want to be overthrown by darkness



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Name: Zak

Appearance: does it really matter?

Weapon: Magical Sword.

Bio: was made a general do to his unique ability to command & protect his troops. in his eyes, no life is more important than the lives of his men. he never puts his his own well begin B-4 his troops, but he still keeps them in line.

Side: good

Position: General

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OoC: I'm starting the game now. This is a little differnt from what happened 1000 years ago in the RP; They have enslaved the world but are currently sparing it from destruction. We completely gave up earleir in the war, but now we are fighting back. There might be a couple NPc's since we don't have too many Rpers.

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