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Karate Heroes (PG-13)May have violence & cursing


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Rokujo jumped off the dead Dragon onto another Dragon, and kicked the face of that Dragon, the jumping to another Dragon, grabbing one of it's horns, and breaking it, and stabbing it in the Dragon. He then saw a Dragon head towards him, and he reflected the frontal attack with a punch from his right hand, and busted the jaw of the Dragon as soon as it landed. Rokujos inury became active again. The blood sread throughout the bandage, but he didn't falter. He just kept on fighting the Dragons.

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OoC: Okay, back to the RP.


Chen Kaihu walked around, looking for something. He then found Jackie training in the training room. "Hello Jackie, can I see you for a second?" Chen Kaihu beckoned.




Rokujo sat in bed, with the door locked. He was doing solitude training. He could hear some noise out side, but did not falter.

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"Eh, sure?"




Rokujo heard his name from the othe side of his door. He stopped his training and opponed the door and saw Jackie flipped into his room. Rokujo though, ...Is there a reason she is in my room? Rokujo then asked to Jackie, "Is there something you want?"

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Chen Kaihu then thought something new in his mind. "Eh, I think I need to be somewhere actually, so I'll just let you two have some alone time togather." Chen Kaihu then closed the door, and locked it from the outside. Rokujo ran up to the door and said, "Damn it Chen Kaihu! I'll get you for this! Open the door!" But the door would not budge. "Great, were stuck like this." said Rokujo.

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