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Oh Em Eff Gee, Version 2


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2 Legendary Jujistu Master

2 E-Hero Wildheart

2 D.D. Warrior

2 D.D. Crow

2 D.D. Assailant

1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole

1 Breaker

1 Sangan


1 Stratos



3 RoTA

3 Shrink

2 Econ

2 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 LV

1 Mst

1 Storm

1 B-Con

1 Smashing Ground


Traps: 9

2 Rivarly of Warlords


2 Dust Tornado

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential


Side deck: 15

3 Exiled Force

1 Don Zaloog

1 D.D. Crow

1 Mystic Swordsman Lv2

2 Royal Decree

2 Pulling the Rug

1 Dust Tornado/

1 Ceasefire

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Giant Trunade

1 Jutte Fighter(filler)

I will Fix for Fix, put the deck NAME in your post so I can find it later.

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I would if I had them' date=' but people are *explictive deleted* to me whenever I need something, but they will borrow/steal stuff when they need something from me.



i know how that is, the older people know what cards they shouldn't give based on your current deck, and the younger kids only want hollow omg super god cards (or at least ones that look like that after I talk to them. :) ), or they just steal it from you (the little ones.) when your not looking. I have never intentally stolen a card, and i have given back cards i took by mistake.

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-2 Assailant (Assailant is too slow in this format because her effect is the worst out of DD Warrior, DDWL, and herself)

-2 E-Con (E-Con is unneeded because Book is in here and book is better)

-2 Dust Tornado (Dust Tornado is really only useful against Stall Burn because alot of other decks have alot of chainable cards)


+3 Solemn (NAA has to live for a turn, and Solemn really helps with that)

+3 Bribe (Same reason as Solemn, it compensates for the slowness of NAA)


Deck: Zombies on a Budget

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-2 Assailant (Assailant is too slow in this format because her effect is the worst out of DD Warrior' date=' DDWL, and herself)

-2 E-Con (E-Con is unneeded because Book is in here and book is better)

-2 Dust Tornado (Dust Tornado is really only useful against Stall Burn because alot of other decks have alot of chainable cards)


+3 Solemn (NAA has to live for a turn, and Solemn really helps with that)

+3 Bribe (Same reason as Solemn, it compensates for the slowness of NAA)


Deck: Zombies on a Budget



DDAssailant is useful in here because I can attack into any threat and Remove it from game. Dust Tornado clears the backrow for me and allows me to Set Non Agression Area, or another trap during my endphase. Econ is useful in here to take control of threats or put them in defense position. It allows me to push for huge swings or force my opponent to the defensive. I don't have Solemns, and I wouldn't use Bribe because NAA isnt the focus of this deck. Its more of a Tool Box deck that techs 2 copies of NAA

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-2 Assailant (Assailant is too slow in this format because her effect is the worst out of DD Warrior' date=' DDWL, and herself)

-2 E-Con (E-Con is unneeded because Book is in here and book is better)

-2 Dust Tornado (Dust Tornado is really only useful against Stall Burn because alot of other decks have alot of chainable cards)


+3 Solemn (NAA has to live for a turn, and Solemn really helps with that)

+3 Bribe (Same reason as Solemn, it compensates for the slowness of NAA)


Deck: Zombies on a Budget



DDAssailant is useful in here because I can attack into any threat and Remove it from game. Dust Tornado clears the backrow for me and allows me to Set Non Agression Area, or another trap during my endphase. Econ is useful in here to take control of threats or put them in defense position. It allows me to push for huge swings or force my opponent to the defensive. I don't have Solemns, and I wouldn't use Bribe because NAA isnt the focus of this deck. Its more of a Tool Box deck that techs 2 copies of NAA


DD Warrior and DDWL do Assailant's job, except better as they can also stop GB's. Dust Tornado is pointless because you need negation not random backrow destruction. Sure you kill something, but it might not be necessary, as opposed to Solemn which takes out the necessary. E-Con is pointless as well as Book of Moon is better. So basically, all these cards are redundant with their replacements. Since you don't have Solemns, run Bribes, you need some negation to protect your cards.

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By that logic, don't run Snipe Hunter because DAD is better, or MST because Heavy is better, etc. You should be arguing that 4 copies of what is essentially the same card aren't necessary, and since Book is better, take the ECons out, but you're not. That's why your argument is presently failing.


Dust Tornado is certainly useful, don't disregard it so quickly. However, I do agree that Bribes might have a better place in the deck.

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