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Ra - Creator of Life!! Yes, a single card!!


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We all understand, Winged Dragon of Ra. And we all

know Ra-atum. Well this is Ra-atum, but in human form.

The ruler of Egypt, the creator of Heaven and Earth.



Ra - Ancient Pharaoh, Artist found here.


Chant: Oh mighty powerful Ra-atum, Creator of Life,

Earth, and Heaven itself. The mighty Sun God who put soil in the ground.

The mighty Sun God who put water in our rivers. I beg of you now.

With the power of your sons and daughters.. Shu, Tefenent, Geb, Nut, Thoth,

Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and finally Seth. Fill me with your power,

the power to Summon.... RA - ANCIENT PHARAOH!!

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