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Great Fiend Contest(In a hurry Judging today!!!


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CHANGE.... YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAKE A SPELL OR TRAP FOR THE MONSTERok.. in this contest you must enter a Fiend-Type monster.The monster has to have an Effect. Also the Fiend-Type monster must have Great Dez.... in the card name.EX.(Great Dez of fiends... Fiend of Great Dez.) and a Spell or Trap card that helps the Fiend-Type monsters ^_^

try to use correct OCG and Spelling/ Grammar.. HINT: the word TRY!!10 Contestants.... CONTEST ENDS SEP. 13!!!!Also... you have time to change your card in any way be4 contest is over.. or be4 all contestants have entered a card ^_^



1. No Spamming

2. Cannot have the same Fiend name as on of the contestants... so First come first serve.

3. Have fun ^_^


PRIZE:1.3 Rep

2.2 Rep

3.1 REP


1.tetraslash(no card entered)

2.OMGAKITTY(Card entered)

3.sonic_zach(Card entered)

4.X-L YEAHHHH(Card entered)

5.Steven Cope(Card entered)

6.DX Games(Card Entered)

7.Silent Hunter™(Card entered)

8.lightdiversion(Card entered)

9.DeMeNTeD(Card entered)


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This card is also treated as a Rock-type. If this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, decrease it's DEF by 2000. If this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, you must discard 2 cards from your hand. While this card remains on the field, your opponent can only target this card for attack. If this card is switched from Defense Position to Attack Position by the effect of a Spell Card, you can discard your hand in order to switch this card's ATK and DEF until the End Phase of the turn the Spell Card was activated.

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Here, these are my cards:




Effect of Kratos, God of Great Dez:

This card is unaffected by the effects of Effect Monsters, Spell, or Trap Cards. This monster can attack all of your opponent's monsters during the same Battle Phase. Increase this monster's ATK by 200 points for each monster on your opponent's side of the field. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


Picture from Google.

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Entry resreved.



This card can only be Tribute Summoned, by tributing 1 Fiend-type monster that is equiped to "Necro-Armor". When a "Necro-Armor" Equiped Spell Card it sent to the Graveyard by this effect, you can equip it to this card and put it back in your Spell/Trap Card Zone. Once per turn, during the End Phase of either players turn, you can select 1 "Necro-Armor" Equip Spell Card from your graveyard and place it in your Spell/Trap Card Zone. It is then equipped to this card.


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My entries:



After activation, Special Summon this card in Attack Position: it is treated as an Effect Monster Card (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 0). (This card is still treated as a Trap Card.) During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Damage Step. When this card switches from DEF position to ATK position your opponent must discard 1 card from their hand.



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Entry Resereved :D

EDIT: Here is my Fiend Monster Card' date=' But i'll post a Spell/Trap Card later on... :D


[align=center']Great Dez, Necroshade Corpse Overlord


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Releasing 3 Zombie-Type monsters you control. When a Zombie-Type monster is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, destroy 1 card on the field. While you control 2 or more Zombie-Type monsters, this card cannot be selected as an attack target. If your opponent removes a monster you control from play, destroy this card. This card can be Special Summoned from your Graveyard by Releasing 1 "Deathkaiser Dragon" you control ignoring the Summoning conditions.


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Expert OCG was used like Release-Tribute

Good Luck to everyone in this contest

Hope Ya Like It

:D :) :lol: :mrgreen: ^_^ XD

~Silent Hunter

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this card cannot be normal summoned or set. this card only can be special summoned from your hand by removing from play 2 FIRE monster from your graveyard. once per turn by tributing 1 FIRE or DARK monster from your side of the field activate the following effect based on monster you tributed.

FIRE: increase this card ATK equal than half of ATK of the tributed monster until the end phase of this turn.

DARK: inflict damage to your opponent life point equal than half of ATK of the tributed monster.



and here's the support card


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[spoiler=Effect - Pestilent Orc Overlord - Great Dez]This monster cannot be Summoned by a card effect. This monster can only be Advance Summoned by releasing 3 DARK monsters you control with different names. Pay half your Life Points and remove the top 5 cards in your Deck from play during each of your Standby Phases. As long as this monster is face-up on your field, your opponent cannot select any other monsters you control as an attack target. If this monster attacks, it is switched to Defense Position at the end of the Damage Step. If this monster attacks a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than this monster's ATK, your opponent loses Life Points equal to the difference. If this monster attacks an Attack Position monster, your opponent takes no battle damage. Once per turn, during your opponent's Draw Phase, roll a six sided die. Activate the following effect based on the result:

-1: Your opponent must discard a card from his/her hand.

-2: Both players must discard their hands and draw 5 cards from their respective Decks.

-3: Discard a Monster Card from your hand. Your opponent cannot Summon a monster this turn.

-4: Switch all monsters you control (Except this card) to Defense Position. Your opponent cannot attack this turn.

-5: You lose Life Points equal to the number of LIGHT monsters on the field x100. Your opponent loses Life Points equal to the number of DARK monsters on the field x100.

-6: Your opponent's Life Points are halved. Remove this monster from play after your opponent's Battle Phase.



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