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yugioh fansite club JOIN PLEASE


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whoever joins we will try to make a yugioh fansite

tell me your skills in a pm like you could say graphics or you could say you could do music if the group that i get wants music on the site


i am making a banner that i will put in my sig if i get a group and it will be clickable so when you click it it will take you to the site so im like the advertiser



whoever has the most skills will be the director and i will send the skills to them and they can pick the producer


i will pick the director after 15 replys


i hope you join the yugioh fansite



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Umm, THIS IS A YUGIOH FAN SITE, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO MAKE ONE WHEN WE HAVE ONE RIGHT HERE????? I'm sorry for all caps, but this is ridiculous, unless your looking to making a trading site so you can rip people theres no reason to advertise making something that is RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF US.

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hey static is making fun of people what you do for life you jerk if he wants to start a club lat him & newcas12 you don't have to explain your self to him


If he need not explain himself to me, then I need not explain myself to you.


And yes, Trolling is actually VERY fun.

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Actually.... You're not allowed.


Trust me. Someone got banned because of what something like this started. BANNED.


Well, getting more than 561 posts before being banned is a new record for me, and if I got passed that with no trouble, I doubt that I'll be banned.

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