rscrash Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 What does creared mean? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Here Are All My New Abilities "Sorry For The Double Posting" Abilities That Protect YouBATTLE ARMORThis pokémon's tough exoskeleton makes critical hits impossible.Block critical hits.EXAMPLES: Anorith, Kabutops CLEAR BODYThis pokémon's pristine body is unaffected by moves that try to lower stats.Prevents ability reduction.EXAMPLES: Tentacool, Metagross DAMPThe humid air that surrounds this pokémon makes detonation difficult, effectively disabling SELFDISTRUCT and EXPLOSION for all battlers.Prevents self-destruction.EXAMPLES: Psyduck, Poliwhirl EARLY BIRDThis pokémon is a light sleeper, and has a better-than-average chance of waking up on any given turn.Awakens quickly from sleep.EXAMPLES: Doduo, Houndour HYPER CUTTERThe sharp edges or points that this pokémon possesses ensure that nothing short of a steel file can lower its Attack stat.Prevents ATTACK reduction.EXAMPLES: Krabby, Pinsir IMMUNITYThis pokémon, although not Poison-type, has developed an immunity to toxins that rivals that of Poison-types.Prevents poisoning.EXAMPLES: Zangoose, Snorlax INNER FOCUSThis pokémon is sufficiently focused that it cannot be frightened out of making a move. Well, either that, or it has no eyes; that achieves the same effect.Prevents flinching.EXAMPLES: Zubat, Kadabra INSOMNIAThis pokémon is mostly nocturnal, and quite difficult to put to sleep normally.Prevents sleep.EXAMPLES: Hoothoot, Drowzee KEEN EYEThis pokémon's vision is so superb that no accuracy-lowering moves work on it.Prevents loss of accuracy.EXAMPLES: Pidgeotto, Hitmonchan LEVITATEThis pokémon hovers above the ground, and so is immune to Ground-based attacks and effects, even though it isn't technically Flying-type.Not hit by GROUND attacks.EXAMPLES: Koffing, Gastly LIMBERThis pokémon is so flexible that being paralyzed doesn't really hinder it.Prevents paralysis.EXAMPLES: Hitmonlee, Persian MAGMA ARMORThis pokémon's body is so hot that any ice forming on it melts immediately.Prevents freezing.EXAMPLES: Camerupt, Slugma NATURAL CUREThis pokémon's ability to heal itself will even extend to curing status conditions, if it is allowed to escape the thick of battle.Heals upon switching out.EXAMPLES: Chansey, Staryu OBLIVIOUSThis pokémon is rather slow to pick up on things, so attempts to make it infatuated tend to be embarrassing failures.Prevents attraction.EXAMPLES: Numel, Slowpoke OWN TEMPOThis pokémon's brain works just a little differently from most, making it quite difficult to confuse.Prevents confusion.EXAMPLES: Spinda, Spoink RAIN DISHThe leafy 'dish' on top of this pokémon collects rainwater that it can feed on.Gradually restores HP in rain.EXAMPLES: Lotad ROCK HEADThis pokémon's head is so hard that it doesn't hurt itself when using dangerous moves like SUBMISSION or TAKE DOWN.Prevents recoil damage.EXAMPLES: Geodude, Cubone RUN AWAYThis pokémon is a fast runner, and able to escape from any foe (although running from a trainer battle is still a no-no.)Makes escaping easier.EXAMPLES: Doduo, Rattata SAND VEILLiving in a desert, this pokémon has learned to use sandstorms to obscure its location. If it is not Ground, Rock or Steel-type, this Ability also prevents sandstorm damage.Ups evasion in a sandstorm.EXAMPLES: Sandshrew, Cacnea SHED SKINThis pokémon is capable of shedding its old skin, growing a new one underneath, to rid itself of unwanted status conditions.Heals the body by shedding.EXAMPLES: Ekans, Metapod SHELL ARMORThis pokémon's tough shell guards its sensitive body parts, ensuring that no enemy attack will be a critical hit.Blocks critical hits.EXAMPLES: Shellder, Omanyte SHIELD DUSTThis pokémon is constantly enveloped in a fine dust that prevents moves like POISON STING or FIRE PUNCH from ever scoring their possible side effects.Prevents added effects.EXAMPLES: Wurmple, Venomoth SOUND PROOFThis pokémon's body is reinforced against sonic waves, granting immunity to sound-based attacks and effects.Avoids sound-based moves.EXAMPLES: Loudred, Voltorb STICKY HOLDThis pokémon's sludgey body sticks to things, so that stealing items from it is just too difficult to bother trying.Prevents item theft.EXAMPLES: Grimer, Gulpin STURDYThis pokémon's body is too solid to penetrate, making One-Hit KO moves worthless against it.Negates 1-hit KO attacks.EXAMPLES: Magneton, Golem SUCTION CUPSThe bottom of this pokémon firmly attaches to the ground, allowing it to resist moves like ROAR and WHIRLWIND.Firmly anchors the body.EXAMPLES: Lileep, Octillery THICK FATThis pokémon sports a layer of insulation that halves damage from fire and ice.Heat-and-cold prevention.EXAMPLES: Snorlax, Dewgong THICK SKINThis pokémon's skin is thick enough to absorb impacts, so that Super-Effective physical attacks deal half-again damage instead of double.Reduces physical weaknesses.EXAMPLES: Fracticle VITAL FLOWThis pokémon has an aura of energy around it, which not only protect itself from falling asleep, but all other pokémon on the battlefield as well.Prevents sleep.EXAMPLES: Pharaleoh VITAL SPIRITThis pokémon is bursting with energy, so much so that it couldn't even fall asleep if it tried.Prevents sleep.EXAMPLES: Vigoroth, Primeape VOLT ABSORBThis pokémon's body is made to channel electricity, so when hit with an Electric-type attack, it actually regains some HP instead of losing it.Turns electricity into HP.EXAMPLES: Chinchou, Jolteon WATER ABSORBThis pokémon lives by taking in water, so when hit with a Water-type attack, it can actually regain some HP instead of losing it.Turns water into HP.EXAMPLES: Poliwhirl, Vaporeon WATER VEILThis pokémon is constantly coated in a watery sheen that keeps it cool, even under Fire attacks that would otherwise burn it.Prevents burns.EXAMPLES: Wailmer, Seaking WHITE SMOKEThis pokémon's body constantly issues a dense white smoke that blocks stat-lowering moves and effects.Prevents ability reduction.EXAMPLES: Torkoal WIND ABSORBThis pokémon feeds on wind energy, so when hit with a Wind-type attack, it can actually regain some HP instead of losing it.Turns wind into HP.EXAMPLES: Hurricroak WONDER GUARDThis pokémon is mysteriously protected from most damaging attacks—an attack has to be Super Effective just to get through to it. However, it is not protected from indirect damage such as LEECH SEED or SANDSTORM.“Super Effective” hits.EXAMPLES: Shedinja Abilities That Boost Your PowerBLAZEIf this pokémon's health drops to a third of maximum, it can boost the power of its Fire-type attacks by 1.5 times to enable it to pull through.Ups FIRE moves in a pinch.EXAMPLES: Charmander, Torchic CHLOROPHYLLThis pokémon takes energy directly from sunlight, so when the sun is shining brightly, it can move twice as fast as usual.Raises SPEED in sunshine.EXAMPLES: Oddish, Bellsprout COMPOUNDEYESThis pokémon's eyes are specially suited for tracking movement, allowing for better accuracy.Raises accuracy.EXAMPLES: Butterfree, Venonat FLASH FIREThis pokémon is good at manipulating heat. If hit with a Fire-type attack, it can use the heat from that attack to supercharge its own fire power. While supercharged, the pokémon's Fire-type attacks deal 1.5 times as much damage, and it is immune to any further Fire-type attacks from the opponent.Powers up if hit by fire.EXAMPLES: Vulpix, Rapidash FOCUSIf this pokémon is inflicted with a status condition, it will compensate by concentrating more, dealing 1.5 times as much damage with its special attacks.Concentrates if suffering.EXAMPLES: Miravistel GUTSIf this pokémon is inflicted with a status condition, it will compensate by striking harder, dealing 1.5 times as much damage with its physical attacks.Ups ATTACK if suffering.EXAMPLES: Machop, Tyrogue HOT TEMPERIf this pokémon's health drops to a third of maximum, it reacts by lowering its own Special Defense one level and raising its Special Attack one level.Hotheadedly attacks when weak.EXAMPLES: Tyrantorch HUGE POWERThis pokémon is able to use its bulky body to make physical attacks hit harder, dealing twice as much damage as its Attack stat would normally indicate.Raises ATTACK in battle.EXAMPLES: Marill HUSTLEThis pokémon likes to hit hard, dealing 1.5 times as much damage with all of its damaging attacks. However, this gung-ho approach makes its attacks easy to avoid; attack accuracy is only four-fifths of the usual for each move.Trades accuracy for power.EXAMPLES: Togepi, Delibird MARVEL SCALEWhen this pokémon is suffering from a status condition, the scales on its body compensate by hardening, to raise Defense to 1.5 times its normal level.Ups DEFENSE if suffering.EXAMPLES: Milotic OVERGROWIf this pokémon's health drops to a third of maximum, it can boost the power of its Grass-type attacks by 1.5 times to enable it to pull through.Ups GRASS moves in a pinch.EXAMPLES: Bulbasaur, Chikorita PAINIf this pokémon's health drops to one half of maximum, it reacts by lowering its own Defense one level and raising its Attack one level.Fakes injury when weak.EXAMPLES: Phobain PANICIf this pokémon's health drops to one half of maximum, it reacts by lowering its own Attack one level and raising its Defense one level.Frantically defends when weak.EXAMPLES: Depanos PURE POWERDaily meditation has raised this pokémon's power to the point where its physical attacks inflict twice as much damage as its Attack stat would normally indicate.Raises ATTACK.EXAMPLES: Medicham SERENE GRACEFortune smiles on this pokémon, so that when it uses an attack that has a chance of causing a side effect, the chance of that side effect doubles.Promotes added effects.EXAMPLES: Chansey, Jirachi SPEED BOOSTThis pokémon can move at insane speeds if it's allowed to build momentum. Every turn this pokémon stays out in battle, its Speed is raised another level.Gradually boosts SPEED.EXAMPLES: Ninjask, Yanma SWARMIf this pokémon's health drops to a third of maximum, it can boost the power of its Bug-type attacks by 1.5 times to enable it to pull through.Ups BUG moves in a pinch.EXAMPLES: Beedrill, Scyther SWIFT SWIMThis pokémon can move fast through water. It can even get a speed boost if it's just raining hard enough, moving at twice its normal speed.Raises SPEED in rain.EXAMPLES: Goldeen, Horsea TORRENTIf this pokémon's health drops to a third of maximum, it can boost the power of its Water-type attacks by 1.5 times to enable it to pull through.Ups WATER moves in a pinch.EXAMPLES: Squirtle, Totodile Abilities That Harm The FoeCUTE CHARMThe adorable face and smooth fur of this pokémon are so irresistably cute that a pokémon of the opposite gender has a 30% chance to become infatuated with it every time it hits this pokémon with a contact move.Infatuates on contact.EXAMPLES: Skitty, Clefairy EFFECT SPOREThis pokémon is coated with spores of several kinds. Any pokémon hitting it with a contact move has a 10% chance to get spores on itself and be either poisoned, paralyzed or put to sleep at random.Leaves spores on contact.EXAMPLES: Shroomish, Paras FLAME BODYSince this pokémon's body is literally on fire, any opponent hitting it with a contact move has a 30% chance of burning itself.Burns the foe on contact.EXAMPLES: Slugma, Magmar FRIGIDThis pokémon's body is frozen solid and so cold, that any opponent hitting it with a contact move has a 30% chance of freezing itself.Freezes foe on contact.EXAMPLES: Midice INTIMIDATEThis pokémon has so fearsome a visage that its battle cry on entering combat actually counts as a use of GROWL, lowering the enemy's Attack by one level.Lowers the foe’s attack.EXAMPLES: Gyarados, Arcanine LIQUID OOZEThis pokémon's body is made of toxic substances that will actually hurt anyone trying to drain its energy with moves like ABSORB or LEECH LIFE.Draining causes injury.EXAMPLES: Tentacool, Gulpin POISON POINTThis pokémon has poisonous barbs on its body. Any opponent hitting it with a contact move has a 30% chance of touching a barb and poisoning itself.Poisons foe on contact.EXAMPLES: Nidoran, Roselia PRESSUREBattling this pokémon can be very strenuous. Its opponents tend to tire themselves out quickly, using up 2 PP instead of 1 for every move used.Raises foe’s PP usage.EXAMPLES: Dusclops, Mewtwo RADIOACTIVEThis pokémon's body emits radiation constantly. Everyone other than Poison-types and Steel-types will lose 5 hit points every round this pokémon remains on the field.Damages with radiation.EXAMPLES: Abominatom ROUGH SKINThis pokémon's surface is serrated, so that merely touching it hurts. Opponents hitting it with a contact move take a small fraction of the damage dealt as recoil (Rock Head does not prevent this damage.)Hurts to touch.EXAMPLES: Carvanha STATICElectricity courses through this pokémon's body at all times. Opponents hitting it with a contact move have a 30% chance of getting a paralyzing shock.Paralyzes on contact.EXAMPLES: Mareep, Pikachu SYNCHRONIZEIf this pokémon is inflicted with a status condition (except for those that fully incapacitate it,) it retaliates by duplicating the effect on the opponent.Passes on status problems.EXAMPLES: Ralts, Espeon Abilities That Trap The FoeARENA TRAPThis pokémon digs a slippery slope into the ground around it, making opponents unable to get away from it. Flying-types and pokémon with Levitate are unaffected, however.Prevents fleeing.EXAMPLES: Trapinch, Diglett GRAVITYThis pokémon's gravitational forces are so strong, that it pulls opponents towards it, so that they are unable to get away.Prevents the foe’s escape.EXAMPLES: Gravitark MAGNET PULLThis pokémon magnetically attracts Steel-types, so that they are unable to escape from it.Traps STEEL-type POKéMON.EXAMPLES: Magneton, Nosepass SHADOW TAGAn unearthly aura surrounds this pokémon, holding opponents in place so that they are unable to escape from it.Prevents the foe’s escape.EXAMPLES: Wobbuffet Weather-Affecting AbilitiesAIR-LOCKThis pokémon can exert control over the atmosphere and prevent all unusual weather from occuring.Negates weather effects.EXAMPLES: Rayquaza CLOUD NINEAn aura surrounding this pokémon has a calming effect on local climate that prevents any unusual weather from occuring.Negates weather effects.EXAMPLES: Golduck DRIZZLEThis pokémon's water-based powers generate a rain shower wherever it appears. The shower can be cancelled by other weather moves, but does not wear off in five turns.Summons rain in battle.EXAMPLES: Kyogre DROUGHTThis pokémon's heat-based powers intensify the sun's rays wherever it appears. The effect can be cancelled by other weather moves, but does not wear off in five turns.Summons sunlight in battle.EXAMPLES: Groudon SAND STREAMThis pokémon's dry, rocky body starts sandstorms blowing wherever it appears. The effect can be cancelled by other weather moves, but does not wear off in five turns.Summons a sandstorm.EXAMPLES: Tyranitar TWILIGHTThe dark, ghostly aura surrounding this pokémon's body creates a blanket of night that covers the area, hindering vision. Evasiveness for all pokémon on the field increases and time of the day is set to night. The effect can be cancelled by other weather moves, but does not wear off in five turns.Summons darkness in battle.EXAMPLES: Stalker WHITE OUTThis pokémon's cold, frozen body generates a hailstorm wherever it appears. The effect can be cancelled by other weather moves, but does not wear off in five turns.Summons hail in battle.EXAMPLES: Midice 2-On-2 Battle AbilitiesLIGHTNINGRODThis pokémon's body naturally attracts electricity, ensuring that no Electric-type attack will be able to hit its ally.Draws electrical moves.EXAMPLES: Rhydon, Manectric MINUSIf this negatively-charged pokémon teams up with a pokémon with Plus, each will be able to deal 1.5 times as much damage with their special attacks.Powers up with PLUS.EXAMPLES: Minun NEUTRALWhen an Electric-type move affects this pokémon, it gains either the Plus or Minus special ability, at random.Changes charge at random.EXAMPLES: Minun PLUSIf this positively-charged pokémon teams up with a pokémon with Minus, each will be able to deal 1.5 times as much damage with their special attacks.Powers up with MINUS.EXAMPLES: Plusle Out-Of-Battle AbilitiesILLUMINATEThis pokémon emits a bright light from its body. If you put it in the lead, its light will draw wild pokémon to you.Encounter rate increases.EXAMPLES: Volbeat, Chinchou PERFUMEThis pokémon smells downright delicious. If you put it in the lead, its gorgeous odor will attract various wild pokémon.Helps attract wild POKéMON.EXAMPLES: Syruple PICKUPThis curious pokémon likes to find things. Every time you win a battle of any kind, there is a 10% chance that this pokémon will be holding a random item it didn't have before (unless it was already holding something.)May pick up items.EXAMPLES: Zigzagoon, Meowth STENCHThis pokémon is downright putrid. If you put it in the lead, its offensive odor will drive away most wild pokémon.Helps repel wild POKéMON.EXAMPLES: Grimer Abilities That Harm YouTRUANTThis pokémon is so lazy that, regardless of how many badges you have, it cannot bring itself to do more than sit there on every second turn.Moves only every two turns.EXAMPLES: Slakoth Miscellaneous AbilitiesCOLOR CHANGEThis pokémon's ability to blend in with its surroundings works in battle, too. Every time it's hit with a damaging attack, it changes its element to match.Changes type to foe's move.EXAMPLES: Kecleon FORECASTThis pokémon alters its form—and its element—to match the weather.Changes with the weather.EXAMPLES: Castform NO ABILITYThis pokémon doesn't actually have any Special Ability!No special ability.EXAMPLES: -none currently known- Even though the data for a "No Ability" Ability is in Nintendo's games, all pokémon to date have some Special Ability. Perhaps the concept of an Ability-less pokémon was an idea that was abandoned mid-production. TRACEWhen this pokémon is sent into battle, it copies the opponent's Special Ability and can use that Ability until it is recalled.Copies special ability.EXAMPLES: Ralts, Porygon TRICKSTERThis pokémon will disguise itself randomly for five turns in a battle, once per battle. There is a 10% chance of happening each turn until the disguise is accomplished. It can only disguise as basic pokemon.Disguises as a random pokémon.EXAMPLES: Prankstar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
God GAK Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 ok sorry not competiting then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Ok the Gym Leaders:Professor IdahoAaron:Leader Information:The usual leader of the Anchore gym is Professor Idaho, a field professor in long standing who enjoys the company of his Bug-types. Unusually, Prof. Idaho was recently called away from the gym on business, and left it to his aide, Aaron, who is training to be a Pokémon professor himself. Aaron uses his Flying-types to get to otherwise unreachable places in the mountains to study rare Pokémon. Pokemon:NevermoreLv. 2Belongs to AaronTackle [LV]Growl [LV]Peck [EGG] Lv. 2Belongs to AaronTackle [LV]Growl [LV] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos_warrior9 Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 can i still enter? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 yes you may you have until october Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robot-Lust Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Robot-Lust this is enought stop provoking people & let them be. The task was to find pics or make pics. White Rose found some & did her entry correctly. Now I don't want you posting in my thread any longer. Or what, I get banned from this odd little website? I'm a member from deviantart just trying to point out that you should at least give the name of the artist who made this piece, because honestly, I doubt that not all of you nimrods realized that she didn't make these pictures. So you, you can report me, and I won't care. I don't wanna be in a website where you approve copyright infringement. And don't say something like "since there not selling it, it doesn't matter." Because it does, The colors and designs belong to these artists that work hard to make them, so the least you could do is post an artists name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Well send this message to her and ask her to write the name .I know how you feel I wouldn't want anyone stealling my art but what do you think were doing when were making cards it's not stealing it's merly finding somthing to use. Like when you print out a pic from the web to put on your wall at home I dont think the artist would have a pussy fit about that!No nobody here are "nimrods" the task was to FIND pics you jabroni so tell her in a PM & stop buggin me! funk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos_warrior9 Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Cool here is my first one Name: SolacorType: DragonPoke'dex: This Dragon can control cyrtsals that is why many people think it is a rock type. This is extremly rare.Attacks: Dragon Pulse Solar Beam Zap Cannon Dark Pulse Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Nice list of attacks and abilities Derek. =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Thank§ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rscrash Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 [align=center]But why did you post them?Are those the only abilities and attacks we can use?[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dryad Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 I assume it has something to with the facts:A: He was trying to give us a larger way of using new and unused attacks for our new creationsorB: he did it out of fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 A & B is the answer white rose White Rose you might wanna take a look Rave Battle1 WIP 2 and you spelled MORNING wrong on your name/headline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Added 25-31 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rscrash Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 [align=center]This isn't that bad but I think it downgrades your pokemon a bit.Why do basically all of your pokemon have a third evolution?[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 that's good I wish all pokemon had 3rd Evolutions I hate It When it stops at 2 then I always wonder like can't they get any stronger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Supreme Gamesmaster Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Pokémon numbers 1-13 here. 14-24 and the graphics for these coming soon (I hope... *grumbles*) JusoperForest Joey PokémonGrass-typeJusoper has poor eyesight. It will sometimes enter a Kangaskhan's pouch instead of its own parent's. This causes much worry to the parents.2’ 1”47.22 lbsLocation: StarterAbility: Hustle-trades accuracy for powerLevel MovesTackle-0Cotton Spore-3Quick Attack-7Triple Kick-10Bullet Seed-13Spore-16Vine Whip-21Mega Kick-27Bounce-31Bound-36TM MovesEnergy BallCalm MindToxicBullet SeedHidden PowerGiga DrainReflectSecret PowerSunny DayGrass WhistleHM MovesCutEgg MovesGrass KnotWorry SeedMach PunchTail WhipHi Jump KickEgg Type: Plant/FieldJUSOPER --Lvl 14--> HOPURS --Lvl 32--> JUMALTUS HopursForest Wallaby PokémonGrass-typeHopurs uses its keen sense of smell to make up for its lack of vision. It has an excellent memory of smells, and it only forgets when it evolves.3’ 6”128.76 lbsLocation: Evolve from JusoperAbility: Hustle-trades accuracy for powerLevel MovesTackle-0Cotton Spore-3Quick Attack-7Triple Kick-10Bullet Seed-13Spore-16Vine Whip-23Jump Kick-26Mega Kick-30Bounce-35Bound-41TM MovesEnergy BallCalm MindToxicBullet SeedHidden PowerGiga DrainReflectSecret PowerSunny DayGrass WhistleIron TailHM MovesCutEgg Type: Plant/FieldJUSOPER --Lvl 14--> HOPURS --Lvl 32--> JUMALTUS JumaltusForest Kangaroo PokémonGrass-type/Fighting-typeJumaltus makes up for its poor vision in tenaciousness. If its baby goes home with a Kangaskhan by mistake, it will fight hard to get the child back.5’ 2”192.41 lbsLocation: Evolve from HopursAbility: Hustle-trades accuracy for powerLevel MovesTackle-0Cotton Spore-3Quick Attack-7Triple Kick-10Bullet Seed-13X-Scissor-16Vine Whip-23Jump Kick-26Mega Kick-30Bounce-37Hi Jump Kick-42Bound-47TM MovesEnergy BallCalm MindToxicBullet SeedHidden PowerGiga DrainReflectSecret PowerSunny DayGrass WhistleIron TailFrenzy PlantHM MovesCutEgg Type: Plant/FieldJUSOPER --Lvl 14--> HOPURS --Lvl 32--> JUMALTUS BabigniPebble PokémonFire-typeThis Pokémon is known to bawl when it is stepped on. It has scared several travelers out of caves and volcanoes, where Babigni is known to live.0’ 6”0.76 lbsLocation: StarterAbility: Rock Head-prevents recoil damageLevel MovesTackle-0Defense Curl-3Quick Attack-7Rollout-10Ember-13X-Scissor-16Flame Wheel-21Double-Edge-27Withdraw-31Rock Solid-36TM MovesFocus PunchRoarBulk UpHidden PowerSunny DayProtectReflectSafeguardSecret PowerEarthquakeFlamethrowerHM MovesCutEgg MovesLight ScreenFire BlastSandstormBug BiteBug BuzzEgg Type: MonsterBABIGNI --Lvl 16--> INBUGIDO --Lvl 36--> FINSECTRATH InbugidoFire Ant PokémonFire-type/Bug-typeInbugido does not appear dangerous at first glance, as it has no sharp appendages. However, it can produce flaming mandibles and pincers at will.3’ 4”88.12 lbsLocation: Evolve from BabigniAbility: Rock Head-prevents recoil damage/Hyper Cutter-Attack cannot be loweredLevel MovesTackle-0Defense Curl-3Quick Attack-7Rollout-10Ember-13X-Scissor-16Flame Wheel-23Bug Bite-26Double-Edge-30Withdraw-35Rock Solid-41TM MovesFocus PunchRoarBulk UpHidden PowerSunny DayProtectReflectSafeguardSecret PowerEarthquakeFlamethrowerSludge BombHM MovesCutEgg Type: MonsterBABIGNI --Lvl 16--> INBUGIDO --Lvl 36--> FINSECTRATH FinsectrathMillipede PokémonFire-type/Bug-typeFinsectrath is vicious and powerful, especially when it needs to protect its young. It is not hurt by the 2,000ºF flames that surround its body.5’ 7”193.80 lbsLocation: Evolve from InbugidoAbility: Flame Body-does not take damage from Fire-type moves/Hyper Cutter-Attack cannot be loweredLevel MovesTackle-0Defense Curl-3Quick Attack-7Rollout-10Ember-13X-Scissor-16Flame Wheel-23Bug Bite-26Double-Edge-30Withdraw-35Fury Cutter-42Rock Solid-47TM MovesFocus PunchRoarBulk UpHidden PowerSunny DayProtectReflectSafeguardSecret PowerEarthquakeFlamethrowerSludge BombBlast BurnHM MovesCutEgg Type: MonsterBABIGNI --Lvl 16--> INBUGIDO --Lvl 36--> FINSECTRATH SmaquaEel PokémonWater-typeIt swims around in the sea and attempts to avoid being eaten, continually searching for its mother. When it finds its parent, the two of them will hunt together.1’ 6”11.23 lbsLocation: StarterAbility: Swift Swim-increases speed in the rainLevel MovesTackle-0Bubble-3Quick Attack-7Bite-10Water Gun-13Absorb-16Bubblebeam-21Double-Edge-27Minimize-31Blood Suck-36TM MovesWater PulseCalm MindRoarRain DanceHidden PowerIce BeamBlizzardGiga DrainHM MovesCutEgg MovesMega DrainHydro PumpRain DanceThundershockThunder WaveEgg Type: Water 2SMAQUA --Lvl 16--> MEDYDRO --Lvl 36--> MEDUQUEEN MedydroLamprey PokémonWater-typeIt latches onto the bodies of prey and sticks there. Surprisingly, this presumably painful symbiosis has never done any harm to the host.3’ 3”51.22 lbsLocation: Evolve from SmaquaAbility: Swift Swim-increases speed in the rainLevel MovesTackle-0Bubble-3Quick Attack-7Bite-10Water Gun-13Absorb-16Bubblebeam-23Mega Drain-26Double-Edge-30Minimize-35Blood Suck-41TM MovesWater PulseCalm MindRoarRain DanceHidden PowerIce BeamBlizzardGiga DrainPoison JabHM MovesCutEgg Type: Monster/Water 2SMAQUA --Lvl 16--> MEDYDRO --Lvl 36--> MEDUQUEEN MeduqueenGorgon PokémonWater-type/Ghost-typeThis menacing Pokémon resembles a serpent with a human face. A glare from this Pokémon can turn its foes into stone, just like the gorgons of legend.4’ 2”51.22 lbsLocation: Evolve from SmaquaAbility: Stone Gaze-50% chance of paralyzing enemy at the start of battleLevel MovesTackle-0Bubble-3Quick Attack-7Bite-10Water Gun-13Absorb-16Bubblebeam-23Mega Drain-26Double-Edge-30Minimize-35Hydro Pump-42Blood Suck-47TM MovesWater PulseCalm MindRoarRain DanceHidden PowerIce BeamBlizzardGiga DrainPoison JabFacadeHM MovesCutEgg Type: Monster/Water 2SMAQUA --Lvl 16--> MEDYDRO --Lvl 36--> MEDUQUEEN LuckidaisFortune PokémonNormal-typeAmethyst: Luckidais is a favorite of magicians due to its resemblance to a top hat. When the magician says a code word, it will walk around.Moonstone: Luckidais resembles a top hat, but the ‘hat’ is really a hard shell. If you say “Abracadabra,” it will walk around, revealing its belly.1’ 1”0.31 lbsLocation: Route 401Ability: Super Luck-increases Critical Hit rateLevel MovesQuick Attack-0Fury Attack-7Metronome-14Take Down-21Assist-28Present-35TM MovesCalm MindHidden PowerSecret PowerHM Moves*none*Egg MovesMetronomeAssistPresentMagnitudeEgg Type: AmorphousLUCKIDAIS --Lvl 20--> ACINTHOLE AcintholeFortune PokémonNormal-typeAmethyst: Acinthole is a favorite of gamblers. It has excellent abilities of risk assessment, so it is said to carry luck around with it.Moonstone: Acinthole will never let its trainers take an action which it feels is unsafe. Because of this, it is said to bring good luck.3’ 7”3.81 lbsLocation: Route 401 OR Evolve from Luckidais at level 20Ability: Super Luck-increases Critical Hit rateLevel MovesQuick Attack-0Fury Attack-7Metronome-14Take Down-25Assist-31Present-38TM MovesCalm MindHidden PowerSecret PowerHM MovesFlashEgg Type: AmorphousLUCKIDAIS --Lvl 20--> ACINTHOLE MalmistShadow PokémonDark-type/Ghost-typeAmethyst: Very little is known about the mysterious Malmist. It looks to be nothing more than a cloud of gas, but it is clearly more.Moonstone: Malmist is said to appear only in areas which are forbidden to normal trainers. It looks like a black mist of poisonous gas.-varies-0.13 lbs.Location: Route 403 (rare)Ability: Forbid-Pokémon cannot switch out, and their abilities have no effectLevel MovesOminous Wind-0Shadow Sneak-6Shadow Sky-13Night Slash-19Shadow Ball-26Night Shade-33Faint Attack-39Dark Pulse-42Assurance-47TM MovesAll except Focus PunchHM MovesCutFlyRock SmashWaterfallStrengthEgg Type: NoneMALMIST --Moon Stone--> XYVAR XyvarDoom PokémonDark-type/Ghost-typeXyvar is said to change its shape to become a shadow of whatever it sees. It keeps mortals from entering where they are forbidden.-varies-666 lbs.Location: Route 403 (ultra-rare)Ability: Forbid-Pokémon cannot switch out, and their abilities have no effectLevel MovesOminous Wind-0Shadow Sneak-6Shadow Sky-13Night Slash-19Shadow Ball-26Embody-33Night Shade-39Faint Attack-42Dark Pulse-47Assurance-52TM MovesAll except Focus PunchHM MovesCutFlyRock SmashWaterfallStrengthRock ClimbEgg Type: NoneMALMIST --Moon Stone--> XYVAR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rscrash Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 that's good I wish all pokemon had 3rd Evolutions I hate It When it stops at 2 then I always wonder like can't they get any stronger. You might think that, but it's continuity.It gets boring and shows no open minded-ness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greyshadow0 Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 heres mine that I MADE: Typhodos: Breed: Typhlosion and ZapdosType: Spiked BeastElement: Firedescription: one of the rarest beast of land and air, all ice and grass types fear it.Height: 7'6"Weight:75lbsAttacks:emberthunderwaveflashflywing attackmetal wingflamethrowerthunderboltfire blast PubKiper: Breed: Pupitar and MudkipType: Underground DwellerElement: earth, waterdescription: this mysterious creature lives in both swamp and underground and humans will be lucky to find it in its homeland.Height: 30cmWeight:1 kgattacks:splash (lol)restsingshriekquick attackbubbleheadbutthydropumpdiveswimwaterfallmistearthquakeNinechikeon: Breed: Ninetails (holding charcoal) and Chikorita Type: Flaming FoxElement: firedescription: a small furry creature that usually lives in packs to defend itself, a lone one will distract others by swishing its tail quicklyheight: 75cmweight: 3kgattacks:tail whipemberrestquick attackheadbuttflamethrowerdigmistteleportdeath scream (altarias 3 round kill attack)confusion(I forget the name of the attack that kills your opponent and you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 @RSIt just ended up like that. And it's only up to now. I don't think there's very many more.I'm basing it on RBGY. All starters have 3.Two threevo bug linesOne threevo bird lineNeowshi + Ignako are just the first evo of two real lines that are just now threevo.Then for the last two lines I did, I had to put it in somewhere, the Grans are only male, and the Flams are only female. And also, you'll notice (at least in the good games. i.e RBGY/GSC) that there are alot of evolving Pokemon at the beginning, and then later in the pokedex there are less. There shouldn't be alot more... I'll check.32-33 twovo33-36 has 1 that can evolve into one or the other of the other two, depending on gender37 is a single38-40 has 1 that can evolve into one or the other of the other two, depending on hold items41 An original third evo of existing Pokes42 single43 An original third evo of existing Pokes44 An original third evo of existing Pokes45-46 twovo47-48 twovo49-50 twovo51 single52 eveeloution53 eveeloution54 eveeloution55-56 twovo57-58 twovo59-60 twovo by hold item61 original third evo of original pokes62-63 twovo64-66 twovo66-67 twovo68-69 twovo by hold item70 original second evo of original poke71 single72-73 twovo74 single75 single76 original second evo of original poke77 original second evo of original poke78 single79 single80-81 twovo82 single83 single84 single85 single86 single87 single88 original second evo of original poke89 single90 eeveeloution91 single92 single93 single94 single95 single96 single legendary97 single legendary98 single legendary99 single main legendary100 single main legendary Anyways, going out to see a couple of movies with a friend. I'll add more Pokemons later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 "sry I cant be bothered to right descriptions" That is your decision but will ultimately alter the results. How can your pokemon win if I konw nothing about them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greyshadow0 Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 oh yh give me a sec I was busy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Supreme Gamesmaster Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 I've added the Water-type starters. 10 to 13 on the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aocom Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 029. ShiflamFlamingo Flying 030. Kaynflam 031. ZwiflamWow' date=' those ARE really good!Too bad I made them. D: for 'Telegogo') and you forgot to include Aclairion. ~! edit: oh hey wow, the top of that tail under flaminguru/ "zwiflam" belongs to my fake fauhyre. Granted, its the shiny version, so the colours are different, but the top of the middle tail is still the same pixel layout. I also recognize sprites by other people I know. creatures by tutimetzel (search for 'avatan') and others that i don't remember links to (the water owls and the mosquito). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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