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Pokemon Universe Thread


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Here Is An Example:




Type: Normal/Fighting

Species: Bone Thrash

Height: 4'4''

Weight: 87 lbs

Pokedex: This pokemon is the evolved form of Cubone they had just been discoverd because cubone evolves on LV. 55 they are extreely physical some say the strongest fighting type out there

How to find: cant find must be evolved


Mega Kick

Bone Club



I didn't do the whole attacks you have to also put what LV. they learnd it & damage & PP & the % of chance to freeze,burn, etc.

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That Is your Task Find A site look up fake pokemon the coolest pokemon you post the better your chances of winning. I think handmade talent is the most raw talent. tehodis is drawing a pokemon then posting it.


I'm doing a whole region worth of Pokemon, I thought that was the challenge (but now I realize I read totally wrong. ^^; Oh well, I'm having fun with making a region worth), especially since it's so long.


Oh, and I'd suggest not putting examples up all the way through the comp. What if someone finds the image you're going to post, works for long hard hours/days on it/them and then you post it as an example?

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If your powemon really look like a pokemon (same drawing style and coolness), maybe they will use it as fifth generation!


Soul Immortal, I suppose this Pokemon is the pre-evolution of Absol... Just delete some details because he looks too much like Absol.

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