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Reinforcement of the Army: Discussion

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Guest PikaPerson01

Level 4 Warriors are so varied. If you need to keep up searching, pick up Stratos. If you need some 1-1 monster destruction, pick up Exiled Force. If you need some extra LolATK, pick up Command Knight. Need Hand Destruction? Grab Don Zaloog. And we haven't even gotten into Six Sam yet.


Basically, because Warriors are so varied in what they do, and some are moderately splashable, good card is good.

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I'm not sure what you mean by tutor' date=' but I know that this is a good card due to the fact that there are so many Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monsters that can be used.


The fact that it has no cost makes it even better.



"Tutor" just means it lets you search your deck for something and add it to your hand.

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